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Bringing Parallelism to the Web with River Trail


  1. Motivation and Background
  2. The ParallelArray type
    1. Constructors
    2. Methods
  3. Parallel Video Filters with River Trail
    1. Setup
    2. The Skeleton
    3. Manipulating Pixels on Canvas
    4. Sepia Toning
    5. Stereoscopic 3D
    6. Edge Detection/Sharpening
  4. Summary

Motivation and Background

The goal of Intel Labs' River Trail project, also known as Parallel JavaScript, is to enable data parallelism in web applications. In a world where the web browser is the user's window into computing, browser applications must leverage all available computing resources to provide the best possible user experience. Today web applications do not take full advantage of parallel client hardware due to the lack of appropriate programming models. River Trail puts the parallel compute power of the client's hardware into the hands of the web developer while staying within the safe and secure boundaries of the familiar JavaScript programming paradigm. River Trail gently extends JavaScript with simple deterministic data-parallel constructs that are translated at runtime into a low-level hardware abstraction layer. By leveraging multiple CPU cores and vector instructions, River Trail programs can achieve significant speedup over sequential JavaScript.

An open-source prototype implementation of River Trail for Firefox is available on GitHub (see the quick start instructions). This prototype implements a version of the River Trail API that compiles to OpenCL and can be executed on CPUs and GPUs.

This tutorial is a gentle introduction to the River Trail language extensions and API.

The ParallelArray type

The central component of River Trail is the ParallelArray type. ParallelArray objects are essentially ordered collections of scalar values.

Multi-Dimensional and Uniform

ParallelArray objects can represent multi-dimensional collections of scalars. All ParallelArray objects have a shape that succinctly describes the dimensionality and size of the object.

The shape of a ParallelArray is specified as an array of numbers in which the value of the ith element is the number of elements in the ith dimension of the ParallelArray. The number of dimensions of a ParallelArray is the number of elements in its shape array.

For instance, a 4x5 matrix of numbers can be represented as a ParallelArray object whose shape is [4, 5]. Similarly, a 2D image in which each pixel has an RGBA value can be represented as a ParallelArray object with shape [h, w, 4]. (The 4 comes from the fact that an RGBA value is 4 bytes, one for each of the red, green, and blue channels and one for the alpha channel.) An empty ParallelArray has shape [0], and a one-dimensional ParallelArray with three elements has shape [3].

Multi-dimensional ParallelArrays are also required to be uniform (also called rectangular). That is, the length of all inner arrays in a particular dimension must be the same. For example, [[0, 1], [2], [3, 4]] would be non-uniform and is not allowed.


ParallelArrays are immutable once they are created. ParallelArrays are manipulated by invoking methods on them, which produce and return new ParallelArray objects.


ParallelArray objects can be created in a variety of ways. To create an empty ParallelArray, call the constructor with no arguments:

            // Create an empty ParallelArray
            var pa0 = new ParallelArray();

We can pass a regular JavaScript array to the ParallelArray constructor, as well. Here, we are creating a ParallelArray out of a nested JS array. The inner arrays will also become ParallelArrays.

            // Create a ParallelArray out of a nested JS array.
            // Note that the inner arrays are also ParallelArrays.
            var pa1 = new ParallelArray([ [0,1], [2,3], [4,5] ]);
            // pa1 has shape [3,2]

We can also create a new ParallelArray object from an existing one. The below example creates the new ParallelArray pa2 from an existing one, pa1. Since ParallelArrays are immutable, it does not matter to us at this point whether this creates a copy of pa1 or whether it simply returns a new reference to pa1. We are guaranteed that both pa1 and pa2 will have the same structure and the same data in them for their lifetime.

            // Create a ParallelArray from another ParallelArray
            var pa2 = new ParallelArray(pa1);
            // pa2 has the same contents and shape as pa1

We can also pass multiple arrays to the ParallelArray constructor. Here, the arguments [0, 1] and [2, 3] each have the shape [2]. The resulting ParallelArray object will therefore have the shape [2,2]: it contains two elements, each of which contain two elements.

            // Create a ParallelArray from several other
            // ParallelArrays
            var pa3 = new ParallelArray([0,1], [2,3]);
            // pa3 has shape [2,2]

Yet another way to create ParallelArray objects is by using a comprehension constructor. We specify the length of the ParallelArray we want to construct, and an elemental function. This elemental function is invoked once for each element in the result array, with that element's index as its argument.

In the below example, the length is 3 and the elemental function is function(i) { return [i, i+1]; }. For every index i, the elemental function returns a two-element array consisting of i and i+1. After the elemental function has been invoked for every i, we have the resulting new ParallelArray [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]] (where the inner arrays are all ParallelArrays as well). Note that the order in which the calls to the elemental function occur is irrelevant. We will learn more about writing elemental functions in the next section.

              // Create a ParallelArray of length 3 and
              // shape [3,2], using the "comprehension" constructor
              var pa4 =
                new ParallelArray(3, function(i){return [i, i+1];});

The comprehension constructor can also create multi-dimensional arrays. We need to supply a shape vector instead of a length as the first argument to the constructor, and an elemental function that takes a vector index as an argument. In this case, the shape we specify is [3,2], and the elemental function will be invoked with a two-element vector argument iv:

              // Create a two-dimensional ParallelArray with shape
              // [3,2] using the comprehension constructor
              var pa5 = new ParallelArray([3, 2], 
                function(iv) { return iv[0] * iv[1]; });

Finally, we can also create a new ParallelArray object directly from an HTML5 <canvas> object. The canvas object is used for drawing 2D shapes, pictures and video on a web page. We will see how this is useful later on, when we build a video web app.

              // This creates a ParallelArray with shape
              // [h, w, 4],
              // corresponding to the height and width of the
              // canvas and the RGBA value for each pixel.
              var pa6 = new ParallelArray(document.createElement("canvas"));


ParallelArray objects created with the above constructors come with several methods to manipulate them. These methods typically produce a new ParallelArray object (except the reduce method, which produces a scalar value).


The first method we will discuss is map, probably the most prominent and well-known data-parallel construct. The map method expects a function as its first argument that, given a single value, produces a new value as its result. We call such functions elemental functions, since they are used to produce the elements of a ParallelArray object. The map method computes a new ParallelArray object from an existing ParallelArray object by applying the provided elemental function to each element of the source array and storing the result in the corresponding position in the result array. Let us look at a simple example:

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
              var plusOne = inc(v) { return v+1; });

Here, we define a new ParallelArray object source that contains the numbers 1 to 5. We then call the map method of our source array with the function inc that returns its argument, incremented by one. Thus, plusOne contains the values 2 to 6. Also note that plusOne has the same shape as the original array source. The map method is shape-preserving.

As you may have noticed, the map method does not provide an index to the elemental function it calls. Not using an index has the advantage that no indexing errors can be made. However, this added simplicity comes at the cost of expressiveness: with map, one can not inspect neighboring values in the array, as is commonly required for convolution-style computations.


The combine method addresses this issue. Like map, combine can be used to compute a new ParallelArray object by inspecting an existing ParallelArray object's elements. Unlike map, the elemental function of combine is provided with access to the current index in the source array, along with a reference to the source array itself. Let us revisit the increment example from the previous section. When using combine, the program can be expressed as follows:

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
              var plusOne =
                source.combine(function inc(i) { return this.get(i)+1; });

As before, we first produce our source array holding the values 1 to 5. We then apply the combine method using a slightly modified version of the inc function. It now expects an index i as argument. Furthermore, source is bound to the variable this within the elemental function's body. We can access the value at index i of the source ParallelArray by calling the get method with index i as argument.

As this example shows, using combine requires more code to implement inc. However, we have gained expressiveness. As an example, consider the following code, which reverses the order of elements in an array:

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
              var reverse = source.combine(function rev(i) {
                return this.get(this.length-i[0]-1); });

In the elemental function rev, we exploit the access to the index that combine provides to compute the reversed index in the source array. Note that computations are driven by the index position in the result array, not the source array. We therefore use the expression this.length-i[0]-1 to compute the source index of the reversed element for position i in the result array. This code makes use of the length property of the ParallelArray object that gives the number of elements in the array.

It is important to note here that the index i is not a scalar value but actually a vector of indices. In the above example, we therefore have to use i[0] in the computation of the source index.

So far, all our examples have used one-dimensional arrays, and the use of an index vector in combine has been of no help. However, ParallelArray objects in River Trail can have multiple dimensions. The map method always operates on the outermost dimension only, that is, on the dimension that corresponds to the first element of the shape vector. With combine, the programmer can choose how deep to traverse, using an optional first argument to the combine method. As an example, let us generalise the above array-reversal operation into a transpose operation on matrices:

              var source = new ParallelArray([4,4], function (iv) {
                return iv[0]*iv[1]; });
              var transpose = source.combine(2, function rev(iv) {
                return this.get([this.getShape()[0]-iv[0]-1,
                                 this.getShape()[1]-iv[1]-1]); });

We use a depth of 2 and, consequently, the index vector iv passed to the elemental function contains two indices, corresponding to the two outermost dimensions of the source array. This example also uses the getShape method, which is the multi-dimensional counterpart to length: it returns a vector that gives the length for each dimension of a ParallelArray object. With this.getShape()[0]-iv[0]-1, we compute the index at the transposed position within the source array for the first dimension. Note here that get also accepts an index vector as argument.


So far we have concentrated on parallel patterns that produce a new array out of an existing array. The reduce method implements another important parallel pattern: reduction operations. As the name suggests, a reduction operation reduces the elements in an array to a single result. A good example to start with is computing the sum of all elements of an array:

            var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
            var sum = source.reduce(function plus(a,b) {
              return a+b; });

As the example shows, the reduce method expects as its first argument an elemental function that, given two values as arguments, produces a new value as its result. In our example, we use plus, which adds two values, as the elemental function. A reduction over plus then defines the sum operation.

Note here that the reduction may be computed in any order. In particular, this means that the elemental function has to be commutative and associative to ensure deterministic results. The River Trail runtime will not check this property, but results might be different between calls even on the same platform.


The reduce operation reduces an array into a single value. For some use cases, it can be interesting to also store the intermediate results of a reduction. An example is the prefix-sum operation that, given a vector of numbers, computes another vector of numbers that each position contains the sum of all elements of the source vector up to that position. To implement this parallel pattern, ParallelArrays support a scan method.

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
              var psum = source.scan(function plus(a,b) { return a+b; });

Here, we again use the plus elemental function from the previous reduction example. However, when used with scan, it now produces the prefix-sum array of the source array, which is the ParallelArray [1, 3, 6, 10, 15]. If we were only interested in the last element, 15, we could have just called reduce; by using scan, we also get all the intermediate results.

The same rules of parallel execution that apply to reduce also apply to scan: the result of a scan operation can be computed in parallel, and therefore, we only guarantee a deterministic result if the elemental function is commutative and associative.


We have seen that combine can be used to produce new arrays out of existing arrays. However, with combine we must define for each index position in the result array how it is to be computed from the source array. Sometimes, this mapping is difficult to specify or costly to compute. Instead, it is preferable to specify for a certain source index where it should be stored in the result array. This pattern is supported by the scatter method in River Trail. Here is an example:

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
              var reorder = source.scatter([4,0,3,1,2]);

We first compute our source array source. In a second step, we apply the scatter method with a single argument: the scatter vector [4,0,3,1,2]. Thereby, we specify that the first element of source is to become the fifth element of the result (indexing starts with 0), the second value in source becomes the first in the result, and so on. Overall, the above example produces the array [2, 4, 5, 3, 1].

What happens if we assign two source values to the same position of the result? As scatter is potentially computed in parallel, the result would be non-deterministic. Therefore, by default, the River Trail runtime will throw an exception when result positions conflict. However, in practice, conflicts often are meaningful and can be deterministically resolved. For these scenarios, scatter accepts an optional second argument: a conflict function that, given two conflicting values, produces a single resolution.

On closer inspection, a conflict function is not enough to produce a fully specified result. If the scatter vector contains the same target index more than once, inevitably it will not fill all indices of the target array. To remedy this, we also allow the programmer to specify an optional default value that will be used for all index positions that are not defined otherwise.

            var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
            var reorder = source.scatter([4,0,3,4,2], 3, function max(a, b) {
              return a>b?a:b; });

In the above example, the first and fourth element of the source array are both written to the fifth element of the result array, and no value is written to the second index position. However, we provide the default of 3 as the second argument to scatter. Lastly, we use a maximum as the conflict resolution function. Thus, the fifth position in the result is the maximum of 1 and 4, which is 4. Overall, we get [2, 3, 5, 3, 4].

scatter has a final optional argument: the result length. By default, the length of the result will be the same as the source array's. Using a scatter index outside of the result's length will lead to a range error. To spread elements out or reduce the total number of elements, the new length has to be explicitly provided.

Putting it all together, we can implement a histogram by means of scatter. A histogram computes the frequency or number of occurrences of a value within a sample. Let's assume we have some source data that contains values from zero to five. We also need a second vector that contains weights. We will just use a vector of ones here. Here is the setup:

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,2,4,2,4,5]);
              var ones = one(v) { return 1; });

We can then implement a histogram by scattering the ones we have just produced to the correct buckets, that is, we interpret the source data as scatter indices. Conflicts are resolved by adding values, ultimately counting how many times a one has been written to a certain position. The natural default value is 0. Lastly, we have to provide a new length, since we reduce multiple source values into a single frequency value. Here is what it looks like:

              var hist = ones.scatter(source,
                                      function plus(a,b) { return a+b;},


With scatter, we can now create new ParallelArray objects by reordering the elements of an existing ParallelArray object. However, the result still contains all elements of the source array, modulo conflicts. We are still missing a means to simply drop elements from an array. This is where the filter method comes in. It expects an elemental function as its sole argument. The elemental function has the same signature as combine: it gets the current index as an argument, and the source object is bound to this within its body. However, unlike with combine, the elemental function passed to filter is expected to return a truth value that indicates whether the source array's element at the given index position should be included in the result. Let us look at an example:

              var source = new ParallelArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
              var even = source.filter(function even(iv) {
                return (this.get(iv) % 2) == 0; });

As before, we first produce a source array containing the values one to five. Next, we apply the filter method using even as the elemental function, which returns true for all even elements. Thus, we remove all odd elements from the source array, leading to the result [2, 4].

Parallel Video Filters with River Trail

In this hands-on tutorial, we will use River Trail to parallelize the computationally intensive parts of a HTML5 video application. If you haven't already, read the above API method descriptions and come back. It is also a good idea to have the method descriptions to refer to while reading through this tutorial.


Download and Install

If you're using Windows or Linux, you will need to download and install the Intel OpenCL SDK if you haven't done so already (click the "Free Download" button on that page and fill out the form on the following page). Mac users can skip this step, since OpenCL is already packaged as part of OS X.

Also, if you have not done so already, download and install the River Trail Firefox extension. For this tutorial, you do not need to build the extension from source; you only need to install the pre-built extension.

Also, clone the River Trail repository, or download and unzip a snapshot of it.

Finally, we will use the 10-minute film Big Buck Bunny for the tutorial. Download an .ogv file of the movie, and save it in the tutorial/src/media/ directory of the River Trail repository that you just cloned or unzipped.

Serving the Tutorial Files

Because of Firefox's security policies, for this tutorial you will need to run a web server that serves files from the River Trail directory. For instance, if you have Python installed, running the shell command python -m SimpleHTTPServer in the directory where you cloned or unzipped the River Trail repository is one way to quickly serve files:

              ~/repos/RiverTrail$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
              Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

Note that you need to serve the files from the top-level directory where you cloned or unzipped the repo, not the tutorial/src/ directory! You should then be able to navigate to, e.g., http://localhost:8000/tutorial/src/ in your browser and see the tutorial skeleton.


To verify that the River Trail extension is installed and talking to OpenCL, go to the interactive shell. You should see a message saying:

River Trail Extension loaded. Enabling parallel mode...

If you see this, then the extension has been installed correctly. However, if you only see something like:

River Trail not found. Enabling sequential mode...

then the extension is disabled or not installed, or not interfacing with OpenCL properly. In the Firefox Add-ons Manager, make sure that the extension is installed and enabled, and try reloading the page. If you just installed OpenCL, try disabling and re-enabling the extension.

Once the extension is installed and working correctly, you can try running the sample applications before moving on to the rest of this tutorial.

The Skeleton

In the River Trail repo, the tutorial/src/ directory contains a skeleton for the video application that you can start with. If you've followed the above directions for serving the tutorial files, you should already be able to load up, e.g., http://localhost:8000/tutorial/src/ in Firefox and see the default screen for the application skeleton: Default
            screen for the app skeleton. The large box in the center is a canvas that is used for rendering the video output. The video input is either an HTML5 video stream embedded in a video tag, or live video captured by a webcam.

On the right of the screen, you will see the various filters that can applied to this input video stream: sepia toning, lightening, desaturation, and so on. Click on the box in the center screen to start playback of the Big Buck Bunny video and try out these filters. To switch to webcam video, click the "Webcam" toggle in the top left corner.

The sequential JavaScript versions of the filters on the right are already implemented. In this tutorial, we will implement the parallel versions using River Trail. Before we dive into implementation, let's look at the basics of manipulating video using the Canvas API.

Manipulating Pixels on Canvas

Open up tutorial/src/main-skeleton.js in your favorite code editor. This file implements all the functionality in this web application except the filters themselves. When you load the page, the doLoad function is called after the body of the page has been loaded. This function sets up the drawing contexts, initializes the list of filters (or kernels), and assigns a click event handler for the output canvas.

The computeFrame function is the workhorse that reads an input video frame, applies all the selected filters on it, and produces an output frame that is written to the output canvas context. The code below shows how a single frame from an HTML video element is drawn to a 2D context associated with a canvas element.

              output_context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, output_canvas.width,

After this video frame is drawn to canvas, we need to capture the pixels so that we can apply our filters. This is done by calling getImageData on the context containing the image we want to capture.

              frame = output_context.getImageData(0, 0, input_canvas.width,
              len =;
              w = frame.width;
              h = frame.height;

Now we have an ImageData object called frame. The data attribute of frame contains the pixel information, and the width and height attributes contain the dimensions of the image we have captured.

The data attribute contains RGBA values for each pixel in a row-major format. That is, for a frame with h rows of pixels and w columns, it contains a one-dimensional array of length w * h * 4, as shown below:

A one-dimensional array
            of length w * h * 4.

So, for example, to get the color values of a pixel in the 100th row and 50th column in the image, we could write the following code:

              var red   =[100*w*4 + 50*4 + 0];
              var green =[100*w*4 + 50*4 + 1];
              var blue  =[100*w*4 + 50*4 + 2];
              var alpha =[100*w*4 + 50*4 + 3];

To set, for example, the red value of this pixel, simply write the new value at the offset shown above in the buffer.

Sepia Toning

Sepia toning is a process performed on black-and-white print photographs to give them a warmer color. This filter simulates the sepia toning process on digital photographs or video.

Let us first look at the sequential implementation of this filter in the function called sepia_sequential in tutorial/src/filters-skeleton.js.

    function sepia_sequential(frame, len, w, h, ctx) {
        var pix =;
        var avg = 0; var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
        for(var i = 0 ; i < len; i = i+4) {
            r = (pix[i] * 0.393 + pix[i+1] * 0.769 + pix[i+2] * 0.189);
            g = (pix[i] * 0.349 + pix[i+1] * 0.686 + pix[i+2] * 0.168);
            b = (pix[i] * 0.272 + pix[i+1] * 0.534 + pix[i+2] * 0.131);

            if(r > 255) r = 255;
            if(g > 255) g = 255;
            if(b > 255) b = 255;
            if(r < 0) r = 0;
            if(g < 0) g = 0;
            if(b < 0) b = 0;

            pix[i] = r;
            pix[i+1] = g;
            pix[i+2] = b;
        ctx.putImageData(frame, 0, 0);

Recall that the buffer contains color values as a linear sequence of RBGA values. The for loop in sepia_sequential iterates over this buffer, and for each pixel it reads the red, green and blue values (which are in pix[i], pix[i+1], and pix[i+2], respectively). It computes a weighted average of these colors to produce the new red, green, and blue values for that pixel. It then clamps the new red, green and blue values to the range [0, 255] and writes them back into the buffer. When the loop is finished, we have replaced the RGB values for all the pixels with their sepia-toned values and we can now write the image back into the output context ctx with the putImageData method. The result should look like this (image on the left is the original frame, image on the right is the output):

Frame of video before
            processing. Frame of video after
            sepia-toning filter has been applied.

Can we make this parallel?

If you look closely at the sepia_sequential function above, you'll notice that each pixel can be processed independently of all other pixels, as its new RGB values depend only on its current RGB values. Furthermore, each iteration of the for loop does not produce or consume side effects. This makes it easy to parallelize this operation with River Trail.

Recall that the ParallelArray type has a constructor that takes a canvas object as an argument and returns a freshly minted ParallelArray object containing the pixel data from that canvas.

              var pa = new ParallelArray(canvas);

This creates a three-dimensional ParallelArray pa with shape [h, w, 4] that looks like the following:

A three-dimensional
            ParallelArray representing a canvas.

So, for the pixel on the canvas at coordinates (x, y), pa.get(x, y, 0) will contain the red value, pa.get(x, y, 1) will contain the green value, and pa.get(x, y, 2) will contain the blue value. In computeFrame, we create a new ParallelArray from this canvas:

              else if (execution_mode === "parallel") {
                frame = output_context.getImageData(0, 0, input_canvas.width, input_canvas.height);
                stage_output = stage_input = new ParallelArray(input_canvas);
                w = input_canvas.width; h = input_canvas.height;

Here, stage_input and stage_output are ParallelArray objects that contain the input and output pixel data for each filtering "stage". Now let's look at the code that causes the filters to be applied:

        if(execution_mode === "parallel") {
            switch(filterName) {
                case "sepia":
                    /* Add your code here... */

            // Make this filter's output the input to the next filter.
            stage_input = stage_output;

To implement a particular filter, we add code to produce a new ParallelArray object containing the transformed pixel data and assign it to stage_output. For example, for the sepia filter, we would write:

                case "sepia":
                    stage_output = /* new ParallelArray containing
                                      transformed pixel data */;


Now, all we have to do above is produce a new ParallelArray object on the right-hand side of the statement above. We can produce this new ParallelArray one of two ways: by using the powerful ParallelArray constructor, or by using the combine method. Let us look at the constructor approach first.

Recall that the comprehension constructor has the following form:

              var pa = new ParallelArray(shape_vector, elemental_function,
                arg1, arg2, ...);

where elemental_function is a JavaScript function that produces the value of an element at a particular index in pa.

Recall that the input to our filter stage_input is a ParallelArray with shape [h, w, 4]. You can think of it as a two-dimensional ParallelArray with shape [h, w] in which each element (which corresponds to a single pixel) is itself a ParallelArray of shape [4]. The output ParallelArray we will produce will have this same shape: we will produce a new ParallelArray of shape [h, w] in which each element has a shape of [4], thereby making the ParallelArray have a final shape of [h, w, 4]. We can do so as follows:

              case "sepia":
                  stage_output = new ParallelArray([h, w], kernelName, stage_input);


The first argument, [h, w], specifies the shape of the new ParallelArray we want to create. kernelName is the elemental function for the sepia filter (which we will talk about in a moment), and stage_input is an argument to this elemental function. Hence this line of code creates a new ParallelArray object of shape [h, w] in which each element is produced by executing the function kernelName. This new ParallelArray is then assigned to stage_output.

Finally, we have to write the elemental function that produces the color values for each pixel. We can think of it as a function that, when supplied indices, produces the ParallelArray elements at those indices.

Open the file tutorial/src/filters-skeleton.js in your editor and find the stub for the sepia_parallel function:

              function sepia_parallel(indices, frame) {

                  /* Add your code here... */


The first argument indices is a vector of indices from the iteration space [h, w]. indices[0] is the index along the 1st dimension (from 0 to h-1) and indices[1] is the index along the 2nd dimension (from 0 to w-1).

The frame argument is the ParallelArray object that was passed as an argument to the constructor above.

Now let's fill in the body of the elemental function:

              function sepia_parallel(indices, frame) {
                  var i = indices[0];
                  var j = indices[1];

                  var old_r = frame[i][j][0];
                  var old_g = frame[i][j][1];
                  var old_b = frame[i][j][2];
                  var a     = frame[i][j][3];

                  var r = old_r*0.393 + old_g*0.769 + old_b*0.189;
                  var g = old_r*0.349 + old_g*0.686 + old_b*0.168;
                  var b = old_r*0.272 + old_g*0.534 + old_b*0.131;

                  return [r, g, b, a];

In this code, we grab the indices i and j and read the RGBA values from the input frame. Then, just like in the sequential version of the code, we mix these colors and return a four-element array consisting of the new color values for the pixel at position (i, j).

And that's it. After filling in the sepia_parallel implementation, select the "River Trail" toggle on the top right of the app screen and play the video (perhaps after restarting your web server). You should see the same sepia toning effect you saw with the sequential implementation.

The River Trail compiler takes your elemental function and parallelizes its application over the iteration space. Note that you did not have to create or manage threads, write any non-JavaScript code, or deal with race conditions and deadlocks.

We could have also implemented the sepia filter by calling the combine method on the stage_input ParallelArray. As an optional exercise, try implementing a version of the sepia filter using combine.

One last thing to note: although the sepia filter is being applied to every pixel in parallel, instead of in a sequential loop as before, there may not be any obvious parallel speedup, because the cost of allocating new ParallelArrays overtakes the advantage of parallel speedup for this particular filter. In general, parallel execution is worthwhile only when the amount of work done is enough to offset the overhead of doing so. Next, we'll look at a more sophisticated video filter for which parallel execution is more worth the cost.

Stereoscopic 3D

Let's consider a slightly more complicated filter: one that transforms the input video stream into 3D in real time. Stereoscopic 3D is a method of creating the illusion of depth by simulating the different images that a normal pair of eyes (see binocular disparity). In essence, when looking at a three-dimensional object, our eyes each see a slightly different 2D image due to the distance between them on our head. Our brain uses this difference to extract depth information from these 2D images. To implement stereoscopic 3D, we will use this same methodology: we present two 2D images, each one slightly different from the other to the viewer's eyes. The difference between these images—let's call them left-eye and right-eye images—are two-fold. Firstly, the right-eye image is offset slightly to the left in the horizontal direction. Secondly, the red channel is masked off in the right-eye image and the blue and green channels are masked off in the left-eye image. The result looks something like the following (image on the left is the original, image on the right is the 3D version):

An image of the number 42
            before processing. An image of the number
            41 after stereoscopic 3D processing.

The function A3D_sequential in tutorial/src/filters-skeleton.js implements a sequential version of the stereoscopic 3D filter. Let's look at this sequential implementation:

    function A3D_sequential(frame, len, w, h, dist, ctx) {
        var pix =;
        var new_pix = new Array(len);
        var r1, g1, b1;
        var r2, g2, b2;
        var rb, gb, bb;
        for(var i = 0 ; i < len; i = i+4) {
            var j = i-(dist*4);
            if(Math.floor(j/(w*4)) !== Math.floor(i/(w*4))) j = i;
                r1 = pix[i]; g1 = pix[i+1]; b1 = pix[i+2];
                r2 = pix[j]; g2 = pix[j+1]; b2 = pix[j+2];

                var left = dubois_blend_left(r1, g1, b1);
                var right = dubois_blend_right(r2, g2, b2);
                rb = left[0] + right[0] + 0.5;
                gb = left[1] + right[1] + 0.5;
                bb = left[2] + right[2] + 0.5;
                new_pix[i] = rb;
                new_pix[i+1] = gb;
                new_pix[i+2] = bb;
                new_pix[i+3] = pix[i+3];
        for(var i = 0 ; i < len; i = i+1) {
            pix[i] = new_pix[i];
        ctx.putImageData(frame, 0, 0);


Don't worry about the details of the implementation just yet; just note that the structure is somewhat similar to that of the sepia filter. One important distinction is that while the sepia filter updated the pixel data in-place, we cannot do that here; processing each pixel involves reading a neighboring pixel. If we updated in-place, we could end up reading the updated value for this neighboring pixel. In other words, there is a write-after-read loop-carried dependence here. So, instead of updating in place, we allocate a new buffer new_pix for holding the updated values of the pixels.

Let's start implementing the parallel version. What we want to implement is an operation that reads the pixel data in the input ParallelArray object and produces new pixel data into another. So, just as with the sepia filter, we can use the ParallelArray constructor with an elemental function. In tutorial/src/main-skeleton.js, modify the computeFrame function to call the ParallelArray constructor as follows:

        if(execution_mode === "parallel") {
            switch(filterName) {
                case "A3D":
                    stage_output = new ParallelArray([h, w], kernelName,
                      stage_input, w, h);


Then, in tutorial/src/filters-skeleton.js, find the stub for the A3D_parallel elemental function and begin modifying it as follows:

              function A3D_parallel(indices, frame, w, h, dist) {
                  var i = indices[0];
                  var j = indices[1];

Each pair (i, j) corresponds to a pixel in the output frame. Recall that each pixel in the output frame is generated by blending two images, the left-eye and right-eye images, the latter being a copy of the former except shifted along the negative x-axis (that is, to the left).

Let's call the pixel frame[i][j] the left-eye pixel. To get the right-eye pixel we will simply read a neighbor of the left eye pixel that is some distance away. This distance is given to us as the argument dist (which is updated every time the 3D slider on the UI is moved):

              function A3D_parallel(indices, frame, w, h, dist) {
                  var i = indices[0];
                  var j = indices[1];
                  var k = j - dist;
                  if(k < 0) k = j;

Now frame[i][k] is the right-eye pixel. We need to guard against the fact that if dist large, we cannot get the right-eye pixel, as it would be outside the frame we have. There are several approaches for dealing with this situation; for simplicity, we simply make the right-eye pixel the same as the left-eye pixel. The line if(k < 0) k = j accomplishes this.

Now, let's mask off the appropriate colors in each of the left and right eye pixels. We use the dubois_blend_left and dubois_blend_right functions for this. You don't have to understand the details of these functions for this tutorial; just that they take in an RGB tuple and produce a new RGB tuple that is appropriately masked for the right and left eyes. For details on these functions, read about the Dubois method.

              function A3D_parallel(indices, frame, w, h, dist) {
                  var i = indices[0];
                  var j = indices[1];
                  var k = j - dist;
                  if(k < 0) k = j;
                  var r_l = frame[i][j][0];
                  var g_l = frame[i][j][1];
                  var b_l = frame[i][j][2];
                  var r_r = frame[i][k][0];
                  var g_r = frame[i][k][1];
                  var b_r = frame[i][k][2];
                  var left = dubois_blend_left(r_l, g_l, b_l);
                  var right = dubois_blend_right(r_r, g_r, b_r);

Now we have the separately masked and blended left- and right-eye pixels. We now blend these two pixels together to produce the final color values:

              function A3D_parallel(indices, frame, w, h, dist) {
                  var i = indices[0];
                  var j = indices[1];
                  var k = j - dist;
                  if(k < 0) k = j;
                  var r_l = frame[i][j][0];
                  var g_l = frame[i][j][1];
                  var b_l = frame[i][j][2];
                  var r_r = frame[i][k][0];
                  var g_r = frame[i][k][1];
                  var b_r = frame[i][k][2];
                  var left = dubois_blend_left(r_l, g_l, b_l);
                  var right = dubois_blend_right(r_r, g_r, b_r);
                  var rb = left[0] + right[0] + 0.5;
                  var gb = left[1] + right[1] + 0.5;
                  var bb = left[2] + right[2] + 0.5;
                  return [rb, gb, bb, 255];

And that's it. With the "River Trail" execution mode enabled, play the video and select the 3D filter. With red/cyan 3D glasses, you should be able to notice the depth effect. Without the glasses, this is how it looks (original video frame on the left, with the filter applied on the right):

A frame of video before
            stereoscopic 3D filtering. A frame of video after
            stereoscopic 3D filtering.

Edge Detection and Sharpening

Finally, let's move on to something a little more complicated: edge detection and sharpening. Edge detection is a common tool used in digital image processing and computer vision that seeks to highlight points in an image where the image brightness changes sharply. Select the "Edge Detect" effect and play the video to see the result of the effect.

A frame of video before
            edge detection filtering. A frame of video with an
            edge detection filter applied.

There are many diverse approaches to edge detection, but we are interested in the 2D discrete convolution-based approach:

An illustration of
                 how discrete convolution on a pixel works.

At a high level, discrete convolution on a single pixel in an image involves taking this pixel (shown in dark blue above) and computing the weighted sum of its neighbors that lie within some specific window to produce the output pixel (shown in dark red above). The weights and the window are described by the convolution kernel. This process is repeated for all the pixels to produce the final output of the convolution.

Consider a 5x5 matrix convolved with a 3x3 kernel as shown below. For simplicity, we are only interested in the input element highlighted in blue.

An example
                 convolution computation.

The weighted sum for this element is:

(1*2) + (1*3) + (2*0) +
(2*0) + (2*1) + (1*3) +
(1*3) + (5*0) + (0*3)   
= 13.

The value of the element in the output matrix is therefore 13.

The edge_detect_sequential function in tutorial/src/filters-skeleton.js gives a sequential implementation of edge detection. Don't worry about understanding it in detail yet.

Let us try and implement this filter using River Trail. In tutorial/src/filter-skeleton.js, find the stub for the edge_detect_parallel function and modify it as folllows:

              function edge_detect_parallel(index, frame, w, h) {
                  var m = index[0];
                  var n = index[1];
                  var ekernel = [[1,1,1,1,1], [1,2,2,2,1], [1,2,-32,2,1], [1,2,2,2,1],
                  var kernel_width = (ekernel.length-1)/2; // will be '2' for this kernel
                  var neighbor_sum = [0, 0, 0, 255];

The first two lines of the body are the same as the beginning of the parallel sepia implementation. (m, n) is now the position of a pixel in the input ParallelArray frame. The variable ekernel is the 5x5 kernel we will be using for convolution (you can copy this over from the sequential version). And we also need a 4-element array neighbor_sum to hold the weighted sum.

At this point we have an input frame (frame) and a specific pixel (m, n) which we will call the input pixel. Now we need to define a "window" of neighboring pixels such that this window is centered at this input pixel. We can define such a window by using a nested loop, as follows:

              function edge_detect_parallel(index, frame, w, h) {
                  var m = index[0];
                  var n = index[1];
                  var ekernel = [[1,1,1,1,1], [1,2,2,2,1], [1,2,-32,2,1], [1,2,2,2,1],
                  var kernel_width = (ekernel.length-1)/2; // will be '2' for this kernel
                  var neighbor_sum = [0, 0, 0, 255];
                  for(var i = -1*kernel_width; i <= kernel_width; i++) {
                      for(var j = -1*kernel_width; j <= kernel_width; j++) {
                          var x = m+i; var y = n+j;

Now we have an iteration space (x, y) that goes from [m-2, n-2] to [m+2, n+2], which is precisely the set of neighboring pixels we want to add up. That is, frame[x][y] is a pixel within the neighbor window. So let's add them up with the weights from ekernel:

              function edge_detect_parallel(index, frame, w, h) {
                  var m = index[0];
                  var n = index[1];
                  var ekernel = [[1,1,1,1,1], [1,2,2,2,1], [1,2,-32,2,1], [1,2,2,2,1],
                  var kernel_width = (ekernel.length-1)/2; // will be '2' for this kernel
                  var neighbor_sum = [0, 0, 0, 255];
                  var weight;
                  for(var i = -1*kernel_width; i <= kernel_width; i++) {
                      for(var j = -1*kernel_width; j <= kernel_width; j++) {
                          var x = m+i; var y = n+j;
                          weight = ekernel[i+kernel_width][j+kernel_width];
                          neighbor_sum[0] += frame[x][y][0] * weight;
                          neighbor_sum[1] += frame[x][y][1] * weight;
                          neighbor_sum[2] += frame[x][y][2] * weight;

There is a detail we have ignored so far: what do we do with pixels on the borders of the image for which the neighbor window goes out of the image? There are several approaches to handle this situation. We could pad the original ParallelArray on all four sides so that the neighbor window is guaranteed to never go out of bounds. Another approach is to wrap around the image. For simplicity, we will simply clamp the neighbor window to the borders of the image.

              var x = m+i; var y = n+j;
              if(x < 0) x = 0; if(x > h-1) x = h-1;
              if(y < 0) y = 0; if(y > w-1) y = w-1;
              weight = ekernel[i+kernel_width][j+kernel_width];

After the loops are done, we have our weighted sum for each color in neighbor_sum, which we return. The completed edge_detect_parallel function looks like this:

              function edge_detect_parallel(index, frame, w, h) {
                  var m = index[0];
                  var n = index[1];
                  var ekernel = [[1,1,1,1,1], [1,2,2,2,1], [1,2,-32,2,1], [1,2,2,2,1],
                  var kernel_width = (ekernel.length-1)/2; // will be '2' for this kernel
                  var neighbor_sum = [0, 0, 0, 255];
                  var weight;
                  for(var i = -1*kernel_width; i <= kernel_width; i++) {
                      for(var j = -1*kernel_width; j <= kernel_width; j++) {
                          var x = m+i; var y = n+j;
                          if(x < 0) x = 0; if(x > h-1) x = h-1;
                          if(y < 0) y = 0; if(y > w-1) y = w-1;
                          weight = ekernel[i+kernel_width][j+kernel_width];
                          neighbor_sum[0] += frame[x][y][0] * weight;
                          neighbor_sum[1] += frame[x][y][1] * weight;
                          neighbor_sum[2] += frame[x][y][2] * weight;


The River Trail programming model allows programmers to utilize hardware parallelism on clients at the SIMD unit level as well as the multi-core level. With its high-level API, programmers do not have to explicitly manage threads or orchestrate shared data synchronization or scheduling. Moreover, since the API is JavaScript, programmers do not have to learn a new language or semantics to use it.

To learn more about River Trail, visit the project on GitHub.