4 - Fuzzing campaign#

Running kafl fuzz#

With all configurations and dependencies set, you’re ready to commence the fuzzing campaign.

You can review the kafl.yaml config file, where the sharedir, qemu_kernel, qemu_initrd and qemu_append parameters have already been configured:

# exposing host files through "sharedir" interface
sharedir: '@format {env[PWD]}/sharedir'

# additional kAFL configuration
qemu_kernel: '@format {env[EXAMPLES_ROOT]}/linux-user/linux_kafl_agent/arch/x86/boot/bzImage'
qemu_initrd: '@format {env[EXAMPLES_ROOT]}/linux-user/scripts/kafl_initrd.cpio.gz'

# use hprintf=7 for full printk verbosity
qemu_append: root=/dev/vda1 rw nokaslr oops=panic nopti mitigations=off console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=serial,ttyS0 ignore_loglevel

Ensure you are running inside the kAFL virtualenv.

To start fuzzing, run the following kafl fuzz command:

cd kafl/examples/linux-user/dvkm
(venv) $ kafl fuzz --purge --log-crashes
  • --purge: removes the $KAFL_WORKDIR directory if it already exists before starting the new campaign.

  • --log-crashes: redirect hprintf log message to a log file, and to $KAFL_WORKDIR/logs/ for any new found crashing or timeout payload.


You can increase the fuzzing speed by dedicating more processes to kAFL.

The default value is 1, which means that 1 QEMU instance will be launched and fuzzed.

Depending on your target’s ressources requirements and your system capabilities, you can allocate more CPUs with -p parameter.

kAFL Fuzzer execution#


For the full command-line reference, please refer to Fuzzer Configuration page.

Follow the progress with kafl gui#

➡️ You can start the kAFL GUI to watch the campaign progress live in your terminal

Among all the indicators, take a closer look at the Progress panel, and especially the Findings column.

You should see 4 fields:

  • Crash: Executions returning with PANIC or PANIC_EXTENDED hypercall

  • AddSan: Executions returning with KASAN hypercall

  • Timeout: Executions intercepted by QEMU timeout

  • Regular: Executions returning with RELEASE hypercall

After a few minutes (depending on your system and resource allocation), you should start to see kAFL reporting crashes:

kAFL GUI crash founds#
┏━━❮❰ Progress ❱❯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓
┃                                                                              ┃
┃ Paths:             Bitmap:            Findings:                            ┃
┃  Total:        38                      Crash:           3 (N/A)     2m00s  ┃
┃  Seeds:        22   Edges:       100   AddSan:          0 (N/A)   None Yet ┃
┃  Favs:         38   Blocks:      149   Timeout:        18 (N/A)        28s ┃
┃  Norm:          1   p(col):     0.2%   Regular:        38 (N/A)      1m27s ┃

Once you’ve observed at least one crash, you can terminate the fuzzing process using CTRL-C and proceed to the next step of the analysis.