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Bases: LocalStep

Example class for processing retrieved documents.

In this simple example, the text is combined with the title.

Source code in ragfit/processing/local_steps/
class ContextHandler(LocalStep):
    Example class for processing retrieved documents.

    In this simple example, the text is combined with the title.

    def __init__(self, docs_key, title_key="title", text_key="content", **kwargs):
            docs_key (str): Key to the documents in the item.
            title_key (str): Key to the title in the document.
            text_key (str): Key to the text in the document.
        self.docs_key = docs_key
        self.title_key = title_key
        self.text_key = text_key

    def process_item(self, item, index, datasets, **kwargs):
        docs = item[self.docs_key]
        docs = [f"{doc[self.title_key]}: {doc[self.text_key]}" for doc in docs]
        item[self.docs_key] = docs
        return item

__init__(docs_key, title_key='title', text_key='content', **kwargs)


  • docs_key (str) –

    Key to the documents in the item.

  • title_key (str, default: 'title' ) –

    Key to the title in the document.

  • text_key (str, default: 'content' ) –

    Key to the text in the document.

Source code in ragfit/processing/local_steps/
def __init__(self, docs_key, title_key="title", text_key="content", **kwargs):
        docs_key (str): Key to the documents in the item.
        title_key (str): Key to the title in the document.
        text_key (str): Key to the text in the document.
    self.docs_key = docs_key
    self.title_key = title_key
    self.text_key = text_key


Bases: LocalStep

Class to select top-K and join the documents into a string.

Source code in ragfit/processing/local_steps/
class DocumentsJoiner(LocalStep):
    Class to select top-K and join the documents into a string.

    def __init__(self, docs_key, k=None, join_string="\n", **kwargs):
        Join `k` documents in `docs_key` into a string using `join_string` and save back to `docs_key`.

            docs_key (str): Key to the documents in the item.
            k (int, optional): Number of documents to select or take all. Defaults to None.
            join_string (str): String to join the documents. Defaults to "\\n".
        self.docs_key = docs_key
        self.k = k
        self.join_string = join_string

    def process_item(self, item, index, datasets, **kwargs):
        docs = item[self.docs_key]
        if self.k is not None:
            docs = docs[: self.k]
        docs = self.join_string.join(docs)
        item[self.docs_key] = docs
        return item

__init__(docs_key, k=None, join_string='\n', **kwargs)

Join k documents in docs_key into a string using join_string and save back to docs_key.


  • docs_key (str) –

    Key to the documents in the item.

  • k (int, default: None ) –

    Number of documents to select or take all. Defaults to None.

  • join_string (str, default: '\n' ) –

    String to join the documents. Defaults to "\n".

Source code in ragfit/processing/local_steps/
def __init__(self, docs_key, k=None, join_string="\n", **kwargs):
    Join `k` documents in `docs_key` into a string using `join_string` and save back to `docs_key`.

        docs_key (str): Key to the documents in the item.
        k (int, optional): Number of documents to select or take all. Defaults to None.
        join_string (str): String to join the documents. Defaults to "\\n".
    self.docs_key = docs_key
    self.k = k
    self.join_string = join_string