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Class representing a step in a processing pipeline. Entry point is __call__. Users would inherit either LocalStep or GlobalStep.

Step can be cached (on by default: cache_step=True) to prevent re-computation.

Individual steps can disable caching if and only if they do not manipulate the dataset, as re-computation of later steps is conditioned on the necessity of caching.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
class BaseStep:
    Class representing a step in a processing pipeline.
    Entry point is `__call__`.
    Users would inherit either LocalStep or GlobalStep.

    Step can be cached (on by default: `cache_step=True`) to prevent re-computation.

    Individual steps can disable caching if and only if they do not manipulate the dataset, as
    re-computation of later steps is conditioned on the necessity of caching.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.inputs: list[str] = kwargs.get("inputs", ["main_dataset"])
        self.step_hash = None
        self.cache_step = True

        if isinstance(self.inputs, str):
            self.inputs = [self.inputs]

        assert (
            not isinstance(self.inputs, str) and len(self.inputs) > 0
        ), f"`inputs` should be a list, got {type(self.inputs)}"

    def calc_hash(self):
        Calculate hash for a step based on its properties.
        Updates the `step_hash` property.
        args_to_hash = {}
        for property, value in vars(self).items():
            if is_jsonable(value):
                args_to_hash[property] = value
        self.step_hash = dict_hash(args_to_hash)

    def get_hash(self):
        Step hash getter. If hash is not calculated, it calculates it first.
        if self.step_hash is None:
        return self.step_hash

    def __call__(self, datasets, **kwargs):
        Pipeline is running these steps using `__call__`.
        """"Running processing step: {type(self).__name__}")
        self.process_inputs(datasets, **kwargs)

    def process_inputs(self, datasets, **kwargs):
        Run the step `process` function for each dataset in `inputs`.
        for dataset_name in self.inputs:
            self.process(dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs)

    def process(self, dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs):
        General processing of `dataset_name` in `datasets`, in place.

__call__(datasets, **kwargs)

Pipeline is running these steps using __call__.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
def __call__(self, datasets, **kwargs):
    Pipeline is running these steps using `__call__`.
    """"Running processing step: {type(self).__name__}")
    self.process_inputs(datasets, **kwargs)


Calculate hash for a step based on its properties. Updates the step_hash property.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
def calc_hash(self):
    Calculate hash for a step based on its properties.
    Updates the `step_hash` property.
    args_to_hash = {}
    for property, value in vars(self).items():
        if is_jsonable(value):
            args_to_hash[property] = value
    self.step_hash = dict_hash(args_to_hash)


Step hash getter. If hash is not calculated, it calculates it first.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
def get_hash(self):
    Step hash getter. If hash is not calculated, it calculates it first.
    if self.step_hash is None:
    return self.step_hash

process(dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs)

General processing of dataset_name in datasets, in place.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
def process(self, dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs):
    General processing of `dataset_name` in `datasets`, in place.

process_inputs(datasets, **kwargs)

Run the step process function for each dataset in inputs.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
def process_inputs(self, datasets, **kwargs):
    Run the step `process` function for each dataset in `inputs`.
    for dataset_name in self.inputs:
        self.process(dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs)


Bases: BaseStep

Class representing a step in a processing pipeline, processing the entire dataset.

The function to overwrite is process_all; the function accepts the dataset and all the other datasets, if needed.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
class GlobalStep(BaseStep):
    Class representing a step in a processing pipeline, processing the entire dataset.

    The function to overwrite is `process_all`; the function accepts the dataset and all the other datasets, if needed.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def process(self, dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs):
        datasets[dataset_name] = self.process_all(
            datasets[dataset_name], datasets, **kwargs

    def process_all(self, dataset, datasets, **kwargs):
        return dataset


Bases: BaseStep

Class representing a step in a processing pipeline, processing individual examples.

The function to overwrite is process_item; the function accepts an item, index, and all the other datasets, if needed.

Source code in ragfit/processing/
class LocalStep(BaseStep):
    Class representing a step in a processing pipeline, processing individual examples.

    The function to overwrite is `process_item`; the function accepts an item, index, and all the other datasets, if needed.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def process(self, dataset_name, datasets, **kwargs):
        datasets[dataset_name] = datasets[dataset_name].map(
            lambda item, index: self.process_item(item, index, datasets, **kwargs),

    def process_item(self, item, index, datasets, **kwargs):
        return item