Linux Kernel target#

This example shows how to fuzz an OS kernel by implementing the kAFL agent (harness) directly in the target.

This is useful for directly interfacing with low-level kernel interfaces, or fuzzing during bootstrapping when no userspace is available.

It also has the benefit of not requiring any additional guest filesystem setup or cross-compiling, as the harness is implemented directly in the kernel.

Instead of a silly hello world function, this example uses an existing kAFL agent implemented for TDX guest kernel validation. We can enable an option to perform input injection in the PCI MMIO/PIO reads, which will result in interesting crashes when fuzzing PCI and VIRTIO initialization.

1. Download patched Linux kernel (or port to your preferred kernel)#

This kernel branch implements a kAFL agent in arch/x86/kernel/. It offers multiple options for input injection and a state machine to enable/disable fuzzing at various points during kernel execution.

cd $EXAMPLES_ROOT/linux-kernel/
git clone -b kafl/fuzz-5.15-4 --depth=1 linux-guest

2. Configure and build target kernel#

Install build dependencies (depends on kernel .config):

sudo apt install gawk bison flex openssl libssl-dev libelf-dev lz4 dwarves

Use the provided example config to build a guest kernel with PCI/VIRTIO fuzzing enabled:

cp config.vanilla.virtio linux-guest/.config
make -C linux-guest -j$(nproc)

3. Start fuzzing!#

Since the harness is built-in and auto-snapshots on first fuzzing input, launching the fuzzer is as simple as booting the kernel:

kafl fuzz --purge \
        --redqueen --grimoire -D --radamsa \
        --kernel linux-guest/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
        -t 0.1 -ts 0.01 -m 512 --log-crashes -p 2
# we need to ensure the workdir is created before mounting it as a volume
mkdir -p /dev/shm/kafl_$(id -un)
# run kafl as Docker image
docker run \
        -ti --rm \
        --device /dev/kvm \
        -v $(pwd)/kafl.yaml:/mnt/kafl.yaml \
        -v /dev/shm/kafl_$(id -un):/mnt/workdir \
        -v $(pwd)/linux-guest/arch/x86/boot/bzImage:/mnt/kernel \
        -e KAFL_CONFIG_FILE=/mnt/kafl.yaml \
        --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
        --group-add $(getent group kvm | cut -d: -f3) \
        intellabs/kafl \
        fuzz \
        --purge \
        -w /mnt/workdir \
        --redqueen --grimoire -D --radamsa \
        --kernel /mnt/kernel \
        -t 0.1 -ts 0.01 -m 512 --log-crashes -p 2

Expected output:

    __                        __  ___    ________
   / /_____  _________  ___  / / /   |  / ____/ /
  / //_/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ _ \/ / / /| | / /_  / /
 / ,< /  __/ /  / / / /  __/ / / ___ |/ __/ / /___
/_/|_|\___/_/  /_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/  |_/_/   /_____/

<< kAFL Fuzzer >>

Warning: Launching without -seed_dir?
No PT trace region defined.
00:00:00:     0 exec/s,    0 edges,  0% favs pending, findings: <0, 0, 0>
Worker-00 Launching virtual machine...
        -machine kAFL64-v1
        -cpu kAFL64-Hypervisor-v1,+vmx
        -display none
        -netdev user,id=mynet0
        -device virtio-net,netdev=mynet0
        -chardev socket,server,nowait,id=nyx_socket,path=/dev/shm/kafl/interface_0
        -device nyx,chardev=nyx_socket,workdir=/dev/shm/kafl,worker_id=0,bitmap_size=65536,input_buffer_size=131072
        -device isa-serial,chardev=kafl_serial
        -chardev file,id=kafl_serial,mux=on,path=/dev/shm/kafl/serial_00.log
        -m 512
        -kernel /home/user/work/examples/linux-kernel/linux-guest/arch/x86/boot/bzImage
        -append root=/dev/vda1 rw hprintf=4 nokaslr oops=panic nopti mitigations=off
        -fast_vm_reload path=/dev/shm/kafl/snapshot/,load=off
Worker-01 Launching virtual machine...
Invalid sharedir...
[QEMU-Nyx] Booting VM to start fuzzing...
Invalid sharedir...
[!] qemu-nyx: waiting for snapshot to start fuzzing...
Worker-00 entering fuzz loop..
00:00:02: Got    1 from    0: exit=R, 5637/ 0 bits, 5637 favs, 4.56msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:02: Got    2 from    0: exit=R, 261/605 bits, 743 favs, 5.55msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:02: Got    3 from    0: exit=R, 2298/2785 bits, 2298 favs, 21.20msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:02: Got    4 from    0: exit=R, 20/576 bits, 35 favs, 17.62msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:02: Got    5 from    0: exit=R, 32/644 bits, 2072 favs, 11.99msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got    6 from    0: exit=R,  0/14 bits,  0 favs, 15.52msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got    7 from    0: exit=R,  0/ 5 bits,  0 favs, 19.62msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got    8 from    0: exit=R,  0/ 3 bits,  0 favs, 4.49msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got    9 from    0: exit=R,  0/ 1 bits,  0 favs, 12.25msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
Worker-01 entering fuzz loop..
00:00:03: Got   10 from    0: exit=R, 42/3502 bits, 42 favs, 36.80msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got   11 from    5: exit=K, 8667/ 0 bits,  0 favs, 98.15msec, 0.2KB (calibrate)
00:00:03: Got   12 from    0: exit=R,  5/1516 bits, 796 favs, 14.27msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got   13 from    5: exit=R,  0/21 bits,  0 favs, 12.19msec, 0.2KB (calibrate)
00:00:03: Got   14 from    0: exit=R,  0/12 bits,  0 favs, 19.61msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got   15 from    5: exit=R,  4/636 bits, 1132 favs, 6.54msec, 0.0KB (trim)
00:00:03: Got   16 from    5: exit=R,  0/272 bits,  0 favs, 2.50msec, 0.0KB (trim)
00:00:03: Got   17 from    5: exit=R,  0/79 bits,  0 favs, 0.26msec, 0.0KB (trim)
00:00:03: Got   18 from    5: exit=R,  0/395 bits,  0 favs, 4.81msec, 0.0KB (trim)
00:00:03: Got   19 from    5: exit=R,  0/247 bits,  0 favs, 8.41msec, 0.0KB (trim)
00:00:03: Got   20 from    5: exit=R,  0/670 bits,  0 favs, 4.44msec, 0.0KB (trim)
00:00:03: Got   21 from    0: exit=R,  0/ 4 bits,  0 favs, 14.56msec, 0.2KB (kickstart)
00:00:03: Got   22 from    5: exit=R,  0/ 1 bits,  0 favs, 14.25msec, 0.1KB (trim_center)

4. GUI#

KAFL has a graphical text-based interface that can be displayed with:

kafl gui [-w $KAFL_WORKDIR]
docker run \
        -ti --rm \
        -v /dev/shm/kafl_$(id -un):/mnt/workdir \
        --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
        --group-add $(getent group kvm | cut -d: -f3) \
        intellabs/kafl \
        gui \
        -w /mnt/workdir
ls $KAFL_WORKDIR/corpus/
ls $KAFL_WORKDIR/logs/

5. Coverage#

To gather the coverage, use kafl cov subcommand with --resume. This will reload the guest state directly from the Nyx fast-snapshot used during fuzzing and re-use the existing $KAFL_WORKDIR/page_cache* files, leading to better reproducibility.

PT traces produced by QEMU/worker instances are picked up from $KAFL_WORKDIR/pt_trace_dump_NN and stored at $KAFL_WORKDIR/traces/*bin.lz4.

The kafl cov tool then calls ptdump with the given PT filter range and page_cache files to decode to a corresponding text file $KAFL_WORKDIR/traces/*.txt.lz4.

For best results, it is recommended to collect binary PT traces already during fuzzing (using kafl fuzz [--trace](../reference/ option). The kafl cov tool will detect the existing binary traces in $KAFL_WORKDIR/traces/ and skip re-executing the corpus, providing accurate coverage traces even for non-deterministic targets.

For big corpuses, you can parallelize this process using -p:

kafl cov \
	--kernel linux-guest/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
	--resume -m 512 -t 2 -p 24
docker run \
        -ti --rm \
        --device /dev/kvm \
        -v $(pwd)/kafl.yaml:/mnt/kafl.yaml \
        -v /dev/shm/kafl_$(id -un):/mnt/workdir \
        -v $(pwd)/linux-guest/arch/x86/boot/bzImage:/mnt/kernel \
        -e KAFL_CONFIG_FILE=/mnt/kafl.yaml \
        --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
        --group-add $(getent group kvm | cut -d: -f3) \
        intellabs/kafl \
        cov \
        -w /mnt/workdir \
        --input /mnt/workdir \
        --kernel /mnt/kernel \
        --resume -m 512 -t 2 -p 24

Note that timeout and VM settings are not relevant here anymore, but the tool will complain about invalid/missing options. Based on the binary PT dumps, IP ranges and the code image retained in $KAFL_WORKDIR/page_cache, this simply uses the libxdc ptdump to decode $KAFL_WORKDIR/traces/*bin.lz4 to $KAFL_WORKDIR/traces/*.txt.lz4.

6. Next Steps#

Look at the kernel source code and in particular at the implementation of the different harness and input injection options defined in .config.

Be sure to read other documentation to understand the various options and interpreting fuzzer outputs.

7) Known Issues#

  1. [ERROR] Guest ABORT: Attempt to finish kAFL run but never initialized - This happens when the configured harness does not consume any inputs. For instance when fuzzing PCI initialization functions without activating MMIO/PIO input injection. Also, initialization phases may depend on each other, for instance, fuzzing virtio-net initialization may be a no-op if previously performed PCI scan did not detect any virtio-net devices. It helps to enable virtio-net in Qemu.

  2. libxdc_decode_error - This mainly happens on invalid or missing PT filter settings. Alternatively, decoding PT traces can fail with new/unsupported instructions (check libcapstone for updates) or in case of dynamic code rewrite. The provided example kernel has minor patches/options set to avoid dynamic code rewrite (see Linux ‘alternative instructions’, dynamic ftrace, jump label etc.)

  3. qemu-system-x86_64: assertion error xyz - Especially during virtio fuzzing, the guest may do unexpected things to the host virtio emulation that can cause Qemu to crash or leak memory. In most cases it is sufficient to disable the assert.