The ASL interpreter reads ASL files specified on the command line and provides an interactive environment for executing ASL statements and expressions.

    $ asli
                _____  _       _
        /\     / ____|| |     (_)   ASL interpreter
       /  \   | (___  | |      _    Copyright Arm Limited (c) 2017-2019
      / /\ \   \___ \ | |     | |   Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Intel Corporation
     / ____ \  ____) || |____ | |
    /_/    \_\|_____/ |______||_|   ASLi 1.0.0

    Type :? for help
    ASLi> 1+1
    ASLi> ZeroExtend('11', 32)
    ASLi> let x : bits(32) = ZeroExtend('11', 32);
    ASLi> x
    ASLi> :quit

The ASL interpreter needs prelude.asl which is part of this repository. You either run the ASL interpreter from a directory containing prelude.asl or run the ASL interpreter from anywhere by setting ASL_PATH to point to a directory containing prelude.asl.