Source code for rl_coach.exploration_policies.exploration_policy

# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation 
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import List

from rl_coach.base_parameters import Parameters
from rl_coach.core_types import RunPhase, ActionType
from rl_coach.spaces import ActionSpace, DiscreteActionSpace, BoxActionSpace, GoalsSpace

class ExplorationParameters(Parameters):
    def __init__(self):
        self.action_space = None

    def path(self):
        return 'rl_coach.exploration_policies.exploration_policy:ExplorationPolicy'

[docs]class ExplorationPolicy(object): """ An exploration policy takes the predicted actions or action values from the agent, and selects the action to actually apply to the environment using some predefined algorithm. """ def __init__(self, action_space: ActionSpace): """ :param action_space: the action space used by the environment """ self.phase = RunPhase.HEATUP self.action_space = action_space
[docs] def reset(self): """ Used for resetting the exploration policy parameters when needed :return: None """ pass
[docs] def get_action(self, action_values: List[ActionType]) -> ActionType: """ Given a list of values corresponding to each action, choose one actions according to the exploration policy :param action_values: A list of action values :return: The chosen action, The probability of the action (if available, otherwise 1 for absolute certainty in the action) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def change_phase(self, phase): """ Change between running phases of the algorithm :param phase: Either Heatup or Train :return: none """ self.phase = phase
[docs] def requires_action_values(self) -> bool: """ Allows exploration policies to define if they require the action values for the current step. This can save up a lot of computation. For example in e-greedy, if the random value generated is smaller than epsilon, the action is completely random, and the action values don't need to be calculated :return: True if the action values are required. False otherwise """ return True
def get_control_param(self): return 0
class DiscreteActionExplorationPolicy(ExplorationPolicy): """ A discrete action exploration policy. """ def __init__(self, action_space: ActionSpace): """ :param action_space: the action space used by the environment """ assert isinstance(action_space, DiscreteActionSpace) super().__init__(action_space) def get_action(self, action_values: List[ActionType]) -> (ActionType, List): """ Given a list of values corresponding to each action, choose one actions according to the exploration policy :param action_values: A list of action values :return: The chosen action, The probabilities of actions to select from (if not available a one-hot vector) """ if self.__class__ == ExplorationPolicy: raise ValueError("The ExplorationPolicy class is an abstract class and should not be used directly. " "Please set the exploration parameters to point to an inheriting class like EGreedy or " "AdditiveNoise") else: raise ValueError("The get_action function should be overridden in the inheriting exploration class") class ContinuousActionExplorationPolicy(ExplorationPolicy): """ A continuous action exploration policy. """ def __init__(self, action_space: ActionSpace): """ :param action_space: the action space used by the environment """ assert isinstance(action_space, BoxActionSpace) or \ (hasattr(action_space, 'filtered_action_space') and isinstance(action_space.filtered_action_space, BoxActionSpace)) or \ isinstance(action_space, GoalsSpace) super().__init__(action_space)