Source code for rl_coach.filters.observation.observation_move_axis_filter

# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np

from rl_coach.core_types import ObservationType
from rl_coach.filters.observation.observation_filter import ObservationFilter
from rl_coach.spaces import ObservationSpace, PlanarMapsObservationSpace

[docs]class ObservationMoveAxisFilter(ObservationFilter): """ Reorders the axes of the observation. This can be useful when the observation is an image, and we want to move the channel axis to be the last axis instead of the first axis. """ def __init__(self, axis_origin: int = None, axis_target: int=None): """ :param axis_origin: The axis to move :param axis_target: Where to move the selected axis to """ super().__init__() self.axis_origin = axis_origin self.axis_target = axis_target def validate_input_observation_space(self, input_observation_space: ObservationSpace): shape = input_observation_space.shape if not -len(shape) <= self.axis_origin < len(shape) or not -len(shape) <= self.axis_target < len(shape): raise ValueError("The given axis does not exist in the context of the input observation shape. ") def filter(self, observation: ObservationType, update_internal_state: bool=True) -> ObservationType: return np.moveaxis(observation, self.axis_origin, self.axis_target) def get_filtered_observation_space(self, input_observation_space: ObservationSpace) -> ObservationSpace: axis_size = input_observation_space.shape[self.axis_origin] input_observation_space.shape = np.delete(input_observation_space.shape, self.axis_origin) if self.axis_target == -1: input_observation_space.shape = np.append(input_observation_space.shape, axis_size) elif self.axis_target < -1: input_observation_space.shape = np.insert(input_observation_space.shape, self.axis_target+1, axis_size) else: input_observation_space.shape = np.insert(input_observation_space.shape, self.axis_target, axis_size) # move the channels axis according to the axis change if isinstance(input_observation_space, PlanarMapsObservationSpace): if input_observation_space.channels_axis == self.axis_origin: input_observation_space.channels_axis = self.axis_target elif input_observation_space.channels_axis == self.axis_target: input_observation_space.channels_axis = self.axis_origin elif self.axis_origin < input_observation_space.channels_axis < self.axis_target: input_observation_space.channels_axis -= 1 elif self.axis_target < input_observation_space.channels_axis < self.axis_origin: input_observation_space.channels_axis += 1 return input_observation_space