
flowchart LR subgraph network_gym_env southbound_interface[[southbound_interface]] southbound_interface <--> configure southbound_interface <--> simulator southbound_interface <-..-> emulator southbound_interface <-..-> testbed end click southbound_interface "./network_gym_env/southbound_interface.html" _blank style southbound_interface fill:#1E90FF,color:white,stroke:white click simulator "./network_gym_env/simulator.html" _blank style simulator fill:#1E90FF,color:white,stroke:white click configure "./network_gym_env/configure.html" _blank style configure fill:#1E90FF,color:white,stroke:white

The NetworkGym Environment comprises two core components: the environment configure and the NetworkGym simulator. These components establish a connection with the Server via the designated southBound interface.

  • The southbound interface serves as the bridge between the environment and the server. It facilitates communication of network configurations, network statistics, and policies between the environment and the server.

  • The environment configure module keeps the connection alive by periodically dispatching an “Env Hello” message to the server. Upon receiving a “Env Start” request, it disengages from the server and initiates the simulator.

  • Upon activation, the ns-3 based NetworkGym smulator establishes a connection with the server and instigates the exchange of measurements. Plans for incorporating an emulator and testbed alternative are earmarked for future release.

NetworkGym UML Sequence Diagram#


The UML sequence diagram depicts the flow of messages for a complete cycle within a simulated network environment session. In this cycle, a Client initiates the process by sending an “Env Start” message to request the launch of a network environment. Upon receiving this message, the Env_Config component triggers the simulator to generate “Env Measurement” data and receive incoming “Action” message. Once the simulation concludes, the Env_Config component dispatches an “Env End” message to signal the termination of the Client-to-Env mapping.


only one of the components, Env_Config or Env_Sim, can establish a connection with the Server at any given moment, and these connections cannot occur simultaneously. From the Server’s standpoint, it treats both the Env_Config and Env_Sim components equivalently, identifying them both as the Env entity.