NEK Sample Collection
NEK Sample Collection
This directory contains kernels taken from Nek{Box,5000}. They aim to represent most of the matrix-matrix workloads.
Please note that the mxm_std.f source code is protected by an (US) GOVERNMENT LICENSE, and under the copyright of the University of Chicago.
Small tensor-product multiple (stpm) replicates the axhelm kernel, which computes the Laplacian with spectral elements. Usage:
./stpm m n k size1 size
The elements are m-by-n-by-k, mode picks the LIBXSMM interface used, and size scales the number of spectral elements.
Restriction operator transforms elements from one size to another. This occurs in multi-grid, the convection operator, and, when the sizes are the same, the local Schwarz solves. Usage:
./rstr m n k mm nn kk size1 size
The input elements are m-by-n-by-k and the output elements are mm-by-nn-by-kk. When m=mm, n=nn, k=kk, this half of a Schwarz solve.