fq2vcf: OpenOmics Deepvariant based Variant Calling Pipeline
fq2vcf: OpenOmics Deepvariant based Variant Calling Pipeline
OpenOmics’s fq2vcf is a highly optimized, distributed, deep learning-based short-read germline variant calling pipeline for x86 CPUs. The pipeline comprises of:
- bwa-mem2 (a highly optimized version of bwa-mem) for sequence mapping
- SortSAM using samtools
- An optimized version of DeepVariant tool for Variant Calling
The following figure illustrates the pipeline:
<img src="https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/blob/main/images/deepvariant-fq2vcf.jpg"/a></br>
Using Dockerfile (Single Node)
1. Download the code :
wget https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/releases/download/3.0/Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
tar -xzf Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
cd Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/
2. Build Docker images
docker build -f Dockerfile_part1 -t deepvariant:part1 . ## Part I: fq2bam
docker build -f Dockerfile_part2 -t deepvariant:part2 . ## Part II: bam2vcf
3. Setup Input Paramters through Config
R1=HG001_1.fastq.gz ## name of input reads file1
R2=HG001_2.fastq.gz ## name of input reads file2
REF=GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna ## name of reference sequence (should not be in .gz format)
Update only the above fields in ./config file and in ./extra_scripts/config file.
1 All fields are mandatory
4. Execution
<readdir>: Location of the local directory containing read files R1 & R2
<refdir>: Location of the local directory containing reference sequence file REF
<outdir>: Location of the local directory for output files
4.1 Create bwa-mem2 & reference sequence file index (one-time step)
docker run -v ./config:/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/scripts/aws/config -v <refdir>:/ref -it deepvariant:part1 bash create_reference_index.sh
4.2 Run the pipeline (Part I \& Part II)
docker run -v ./config:/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/scripts/aws/config -v <readdir>:/reads -v <refdir>:/ref -v <outdir>:/output -it deepvariant:part1 bash run_pipeline_ec2_part1.sh
docker run -v ./extra_scripts/config:/opt/deepvariant/config -v <refdir>:/ref -v <outdir>:/output -it deepvariant:part2 bash run_pipeline_ec2_part2.sh
General Notes:
- The source code of bwa-mem2, samtools, and DeepVariant are residing in:
. - We build bwa-mem2 and samtools from source; while for DeepVariant, we build a docker image and then use the built image while running the pipeline. Note that, the pre-built image is not available on dockerhub and the image needs to be built from source.
We provide scripts for setting-up miniconda environment (setup_env.sh), compilation of the required pipeline tools, building & loading of DeepVariant docker image (setup.py). These scripts located at Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf. Note that, all the scripts are, by default, written for docker.
- Prerequisite : The following are pre-requisites for the pipeline - our scripts assumed these packages are already installed in the system.
* Docker / Podman
* gcc >= 8.5.0
* make >= 4.3
* autoconf >= 2.69
* zlib1g-dev
* libncurses5-dev
* libbz2-dev
* liblzma-dev
Instructions to run the pipeline on on-prem (Single node & Multi-node)
1. Download the latest release:
wget https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/releases/download/3.0/Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
tar -xzf Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
2. Setting Envionment
cd Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/scripts/cluster/
#Tested with Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
source ../../setup_env.sh dv_env # Setting environment with name dv_env.
3. Compute setup: You can choose cluster (3.1) or standalone (3.2) mode for the run
3.1. Cluster using slurm job scheduler.
salloc --ntasks=1 --partition=<> --constraint=<machine type> --cpus-per-task=<cpus> --time=<node allocation time>
srun hostname > hostfile
3.2 Standalone machine
The pipeline can also be tested on a single standalone machine.
hostname > hostfile
4. Compilation of tools, creation and distribution of docker/podman image on the allocated nodes.
To run docker without sudo access follow link, or use “sudo docker” as an argument in the below script instead of docker.
# If you are using single node, comment out line No. 56, i.e., "bash load_deepvariant.sh" of setup.sh.
source setup.sh [docker | podman | "sudo docker"]
* docker/podman/"sudo docker" : optional argument. It takes docker by default.
Note: It takes ~30 mins to create the docker image. Docker build might break if you are behind a proxy. Example to provide proxy for building a docker image is shown in the setup.sh file. Follow instructions for more details.
5. Create config file
We need a reference sequence and paired-ended read datasets. Open the “config” file and set the input and output directories as shown in config file. The sample config contains the following lines to be updated.
export LD_PRELOAD=<absolute_path>/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/libmimalloc.so.2.0:$LD_PRELOAD
export INPUT_DIR=/path-to-read-datasets/
export OUTPUT_DIR=/path-to-output-directory/
export REF_DIR=/path-to-ref-directory/
6. Create the index files for the reference sequence
bash create_reference_index.sh
7. Run the pipeline
Note that the script uses default setting for creating multiple MPI ranks based on the system configuration information using hostfile.
bash run_pipeline_cluster.sh [docker | podman | "sudo docker"]
* docker/podman/"sudo docker" : optional argument. It takes docker by default.
Our latest results are published in this blog.
Instructions to run the pipeline on an AWS ec2 instance (Single Node)
The following instructions run seamlessly on a standalone AWS ec2 instance. To run the following steps, create an ec2 instance with Ubuntu-22.04 having at least 60GB of memory and 500GB of disk. The input reference sequence and the paired-ended read datasets must be downloaded and stored on the disk.
One-time setup
This step takes around ~15 mins to execute. During the installation process, whenever prompted for user input, it is recommended that the user select all default options.
wget https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/releases/download/3.0/Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
tar -xzf Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
cd Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/scripts/aws
bash deepvariant_ec2_setup.sh
Modify config file
We need a reference sequence and paired-ended read datasets. Open the “config” file and set the input and output directories as shown in config file. The sample config contains the following lines to be updated.
export LD_PRELOAD=<absolute_path>/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/libmimalloc.so.2.0:$LD_PRELOAD
export INPUT_DIR=/path-to-read-datasets/
export OUTPUT_DIR=/path-to-output-directory/
export REF_DIR=/path-to-ref-directory/
Create the index files for the reference sequence
bash create_reference_index.sh
Run the pipeline.
Note that the script uses default setting for creating multiple MPI ranks based on the system configuration.
bash run_pipeline_ec2.sh
Instructions to run the pipeline on an AWS ParallelCluster (Multi-node)
The following instructions run seamlessly on AWS ParallelCluster. To run the following steps, first create an AWS parallelCluster as follows,
- Cluster setup: follow these steps to setup an AWS ParallelCluster. Please see example config file to setup pcluster (config file resides at ~/.parallelcluster/config/ on local machine). Please note: for best performance use shared file system with Amazon EBS volume_type = io2 and volume_iops = 64000 in the config file.
- Create pcluster: pcluster create
- Login: login to the pcluster host/head node using the IP address of the cluster created in the previous step
- Datasets: The input reference sequence and the paired-ended read datasets must be downloaded and stored in the /sharedgp (pcluster shared directory defined in the config file) folder.
One-time setup
This step takes around ~15 mins to execute. During the installation process, whenever prompted for user input, it is recommended that the user select all default options.
cd /sharedgp
wget https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/releases/download/3.0/Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
tar -xzf Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz
cd Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/scripts/aws
bash deepvariant_setup.sh
Modify config file
We need a reference sequence and paired-ended read datasets. Open the “config” file and set the input and output directories as shown in config file. The sample config contains the following lines to be updated.
export LD_PRELOAD=<absolute_path>/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/deepvariant-based-germline-variant-calling-fq2vcf/libmimalloc.so.2.0:$LD_PRELOAD
export INPUT_DIR=/path-to-read-datasets/
export OUTPUT_DIR=/path-to-output-directory/
export REF_DIR=/path-to-ref-directory/
Create the index files for the reference sequence
bash pcluster_reference_index.sh
Allocate compute nodes and install the prerequisites into the compute nodes.
bash pcluster_compute_node_setup.sh <num_nodes> <allocation_time>
# num_nodes: The number of compute nodes to be used for distributed multi-node execution.
# allocation_time: The maximum allocation time for the compute nodes in "hh:mm:ss" format. The default value is 2 hours, i.e., 02:00:00.
# Example command for allocating 4 nodes for 3 hours -
bash pcluster_compute_node_setup.sh 4 "03:00:00"
Run the pipeline.
Note that the script uses default setting for creating multiple MPI ranks based on the system configuration.
bash run_pipeline_pcluster.sh
Delete Cluster
pcluster delete <cluster_name>