fq2SortedBAM: OpenOmics’ Genomics Secondary Analysis Pipeline


The pipeline takes input fastq files and produces sorted BAM file through the following stages:

  1. Sequence Alignment: bwa-mem2 for short reads, mm2-fast (Accelerated Minimap2) for long reads (PacBio, ONT)
  2. SAMSort (Using SAMTools)


fq2SortedBAM supports 4 different modes:

  1. sortedbam: It takes fastq reads files and reference genome as input and outputs sorted BAM file
  2. flatmode: It takes fastq reads files and reference genome as input, and outputs multiple (equal to the number of ranks created) unsorted SAM files
  3. fqprocessonly: Custom mode, not for general use
  4. multifq: Custom mode, not for general use

Use Docker

Docker build:

wget https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/releases/download/3.0/Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz  
tar -xzf Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz  
cp Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/fq2sortedbam/Dockerfile .
cp Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/fq2sortedbam/config.yaml <inputdir>
docker build -t fq2bam .
docker save fq2bam:latest > fq2bam.tar     ## this step is optional  

Setup Input Parameters:

Setup <inputdir>/config.yaml (described below) with appropriate values

Docker run:

docker load -i fq2bam.tar      ## optional, if the image is build on the same machine or is already loaded  
docker run -v <inputdir>:/input -v <outdir>:/out -v <refdir>:/refdir -v <tempdir>:/tempdir fq2bam:latest bash run_bwa.sh sortedbam /input/config.yaml

<inputdir>: Location of the local directory containing read files read1 & read2
<refdir>: Location of the local directory containing reference sequence file ref
<outdir>: Location of the local directory for output files SAM/BAM
<tempdir>: Location of the local directory for temporary files (defaults to <outdir>)

Use Source Code


wget https://github.com/IntelLabs/Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/releases/download/3.0/Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz  
tar -xzf Source_code_with_submodules.tar.gz  
cd Open-Omics-Acceleration-Framework/pipelines/fq2sortedbam/
bash install.sh <onprem/cloud>  ## onprem mode: Manually install the depenendies present in basic_setup_ubuntu.sh as it needs sudo access

Setup Input Parameters:

Setup ./config.yaml (described below) with appropriate values


bash run_bwa.sh sortedbam ./config.yaml

General Notes:

  1. Individual pipeline tools are present in applications folder
  2. To understand various parameters to these tools, you can access their man page
  3. You can setup the parameters of these tools using params variable in config.yaml

Setup config.yaml1:

  1. bwa: bwa-mem2 related parameters
    • dindex: dtype=bool, values=”True/False”, if True it creates .fai index files for input reads files
    • params: dtype=string, the command line paramteres to bwa-mem2 mapping run e.g. ‘+R “@RG\tID:RG1\tSM:RGSN1”’
    • rindex: dtype=bool, ‘values=True/False’, if “True” it creates bwa-mem2 index for the reference genome
  2. dataset: data details
    • index: dtype:string, Input reference genome file name e.g. “GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.gz”
    • input: dtype=string, folder location of input reads files e.g. “/input
    • outfile: dtype=string, output SAM/BAM file name(s) e.g. short.se.sam. Default value: “final_fq2bam”
    • output: dtype=string, folder location of output SAM/BAM files e.g. “/out
    • read1: dtype=string, input reads file1 name e.g. “HG001.novaseq.pcr-free.30x.R1.fastq.gz”
    • read2: dtype=string, input reads file2 name e.g. “HG001.novaseq.pcr-free.30x.R2.fastq.gz”
    • read_type: dtype:string, values=short/long, short read mapping using bwa-mem2, long read mapping using mm2-fast
    • refdir: dtype=string, folder location of reference genome and its index files e.g. “/refdir
    • tempdir: dtype=string, folder location for storing intermedaite files e.g. “/out/”. In case of none, output folder is used
  3. fqprocess: custom mode variables
    • bam_size: dtype=int,, value=5
    • barcode_orientation: dtype=string, values=FIRST_BP_RC
    • output_format: dtype=string, value=FASTQ
    • prefix: dtype=string,, value=multiome-practice-may15_arcgtf
    • read3: dtype=string, value=’’
    • read_structure: dtype=string, value=16C
    • readi1: dtype=string, value=’’
    • sample_id: dtype=int, value=’’
    • suffix: dtype=string, value=trimmed_adapters.fastq.gz
    • whitelist: dtype=string, value=whitelist.txt
  4. mm2: mm2-fast related parameters
    • params: dtype=string, the command line paramteres to mm2-fast mapping run e.g.’ -ax map-hifi ‘

1 Parameters in bold are mandatory ones