Source code for rl_coach.filters.action.attention_discretization

# Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Union, List

import numpy as np

from rl_coach.filters.action.box_discretization import BoxDiscretization
from rl_coach.filters.action.partial_discrete_action_space_map import PartialDiscreteActionSpaceMap
from rl_coach.spaces import AttentionActionSpace, BoxActionSpace, DiscreteActionSpace

[docs]class AttentionDiscretization(PartialDiscreteActionSpaceMap): """ Discretizes an **AttentionActionSpace**. The attention action space defines the actions as choosing sub-boxes in a given box. For example, consider an image of size 100x100, where the action is choosing a crop window of size 20x20 to attend to in the image. AttentionDiscretization allows discretizing the possible crop windows to choose into a finite number of options, and map a discrete action space into those crop windows. Warning! this will currently only work for attention spaces with 2 dimensions. """ def __init__(self, num_bins_per_dimension: Union[int, List[int]], force_int_bins=False): """ :param num_bins_per_dimension: Number of discrete bins to use for each dimension of the action space :param force_int_bins: If set to True, all the bins will represent integer coordinates in space. """ # we allow specifying either a single number for all dimensions, or a single number per dimension in the target # action space self.num_bins_per_dimension = num_bins_per_dimension self.force_int_bins = force_int_bins # TODO: this will currently only work for attention spaces with 2 dimensions. generalize it. super().__init__() def validate_output_action_space(self, output_action_space: AttentionActionSpace): if not isinstance(output_action_space, AttentionActionSpace): raise ValueError("AttentionActionSpace discretization only works with an output space of type AttentionActionSpace. " "The given output space is {}".format(output_action_space)) def get_unfiltered_action_space(self, output_action_space: AttentionActionSpace) -> DiscreteActionSpace: if isinstance(self.num_bins_per_dimension, int): self.num_bins_per_dimension = [self.num_bins_per_dimension] * output_action_space.shape[0] # create a discrete to linspace map to ease the extraction of attention actions discrete_to_box = BoxDiscretization([n+1 for n in self.num_bins_per_dimension], self.force_int_bins) discrete_to_box.get_unfiltered_action_space(BoxActionSpace(output_action_space.shape, output_action_space.low, output_action_space.high), ) rows, cols = self.num_bins_per_dimension start_ind = [i * (cols + 1) + j for i in range(rows + 1) if i < rows for j in range(cols + 1) if j < cols] end_ind = [i + cols + 2 for i in start_ind] self.target_actions = [np.array([discrete_to_box.target_actions[start], discrete_to_box.target_actions[end]]) for start, end in zip(start_ind, end_ind)] return super().get_unfiltered_action_space(output_action_space)