Source code for network_gym_client.northbound_interface

#Copyright(C) 2023 Intel Corporation
#SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#File :

import zmq
import sys
import threading
import time
from random import randint, random
import json
import pandas as pd

[docs]class NorthBoundClient(): """NetworkGym northbound interface client. Northbound interface connects the network gym client to the network gym server. Client sends the network policy to the Sever/Env. Sever/Env replies the network stats to the Client. """ def __init__(self, id, config_json): """Initialize NorthBoundClient. Args: id (int): client ID config_json (json): configuration file """ self.identity = u'%s-%d' % (config_json["session_name"], id) self.config_json=config_json self.socket = None self.context = zmq.Context() self.context.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 10000) #connect to network gym server using ZMQ socket def connect(self): """Connect to the network gym server. Send the Start Env request, where the configuration is loaded from json file. """ self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self.socket.plain_username = bytes(self.config_json["session_name"], 'utf-8') self.socket.plain_password = bytes(self.config_json["session_key"], 'utf-8') self.socket.identity = self.identity.encode('utf-8') if self.config_json["connect_via_server_ip_and_server_port"]: self.socket.connect('tcp://'+str(self.config_json["server_ip"])+':'+str(self.config_json["server_port"])) print(self.identity + " send start request to server: " + str(self.config_json["server_ip"])+" via port: "+str(self.config_json["server_port"]) + ".") print("[TIP]: Set connect_via_server_ip_and_server_port to false to connect via port forwarding.") else: self.socket.connect('tcp://localhost:'+str(self.config_json["local_fowarded_port"])) print(self.identity + " send start request to localhost via port: "+str(self.config_json["local_fowarded_port"]) + ".") print ("[TIP]: Set connect_via_server_ip_and_server_port to true to connect via server ip and port.") self.gma_start_request = self.config_json["env_config"] self.socket.send(json.dumps(self.gma_start_request, indent=2).encode('utf-8'))#send start simulation request #send action to network gym server def send (self, policy): """Send the Policy to the server and environment. Args: policy (json): network policy """ action_json = {} action_json["type"] = "env-action" action_json["action_list"] = policy #print(action_json) json_str = json.dumps(action_json, indent=2) #print(identity +" Send: "+ json_str) self.socket.send(json_str.encode('utf-8')) #send action #receive a msg from network gym server def recv (self): """Receive a message from the network gym server. Returns: pd.DataFrame: the network stats measurement from the environment """ # Set a timeout every time we receive from the server. poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(self.socket, flags=zmq.POLLIN) if poller.poll(timeout=60000): poller.unregister(self.socket) # recv will be called later else: if self.config_json["connect_via_server_ip_and_server_port"]: raise IOError("Cannot connect to the server! Check the configure parameters in common_config.json. Make sure the server_ip and server_port is correct and you can ping server_ip.") else: raise IOError("Cannot connect to the server! Check the configure parameters in common_config.json. Make sure the port forwarding to external server is up.") reply = self.socket.recv() relay_json = json.loads(reply) #print(relay_json) if relay_json["type"] == "no-available-worker": # no available network gym worker, retry the request later print(self.identity+" Receive: "+reply.decode()) print(self.identity+" "+"retry later...") self.socket.close() self.context.term() quit() #elif relay_json["type"] == "env-end": # # simulation end from the network gym server # print(self.identity +" Receive: "+ reply.decode()) # print(self.identity+" "+"Simulation Completed.") # #quit() quit the program in main function. # # return None elif relay_json["type"] == "env-measurement": return self.process_measurement(relay_json) elif relay_json["type"] == "env-error": # error happened. Check the error msg. print(self.identity +" Receive: "+ reply.decode()) print(self.identity +" "+ "Simulation Stopped with ***[Error]***!") self.socket.close() self.context.term() quit() else: # Unkown msg type, please check.This should not happen. print(self.identity +" Receive: "+ reply.decode()) print(self.identity +" "+ "***[ERROR]*** unkown msg type!") self.socket.close() self.context.term() quit() def process_measurement (self, reply_json): """Process the measurement. Args: reply_json (json): the network stats measurement Returns: pd.DataFrame: the processed network stats measurement """ #print(reply_json) if(not reply_json['network_stats']): return None network_stats = pd.json_normalize(reply_json['network_stats']) if "workload_stats" in reply_json: # workload measurement available print('Env (workload_stats) --> ' + str(reply_json['workload_stats'])) #if "sim_time_lapse_ms" and "time_lapse_ms" in reply_json['workload_stats']: # if reply_json['workload_stats']['time_lapse_ms']>0: # print('Env Measurement --> Percentage of time spend on simulation: ' + str(int(100*reply_json['workload_stats']['sim_time_lapse_ms']/reply_json['workload_stats']['time_lapse_ms'])) + '%') return network_stats def close(self): self.socket.close() self.context.term()