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# Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
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import json
from nlp_architect.utils.io import validate
[docs]def merge_punct_tok(merged_punct_sentence, last_merged_punct_index, punct_text, is_traverse):
# merge the text of the punct tok
if is_traverse:
merged_punct_sentence[last_merged_punct_index]["text"] = (
punct_text + merged_punct_sentence[last_merged_punct_index]["text"]
merged_punct_sentence[last_merged_punct_index]["text"] = (
merged_punct_sentence[last_merged_punct_index]["text"] + punct_text
[docs]def find_correct_index(orig_gov, merged_punct_sentence):
for tok_index, tok in enumerate(merged_punct_sentence):
if (
tok["start"] == orig_gov["start"]
and tok["len"] == orig_gov["len"]
and tok["pos"] == orig_gov["pos"]
and tok["text"] == orig_gov["text"]
return tok_index
return None
[docs]def fix_gov_indexes(merged_punct_sentence, sentence):
for merged_token in merged_punct_sentence:
tok_gov = merged_token["gov"]
if tok_gov == -1: # gov is root
merged_token["gov"] = -1
orig_gov = sentence[tok_gov]
correct_index = find_correct_index(orig_gov, merged_punct_sentence)
merged_token["gov"] = correct_index
def _spacy_pos_to_ptb(pos, text):
Converts a Spacy part-of-speech tag to a Penn Treebank part-of-speech tag.
pos (str): Spacy POS tag (`tok.tag_`).
text (str): The token text.
ptb_tag (str): Standard PTB POS tag.
validate((pos, str, 0, 30), (text, str, 0, 1000))
ptb_tag = pos
if text in ["...", "—"]:
ptb_tag = ":"
elif text == "*":
ptb_tag = "SYM"
elif pos == "AFX":
ptb_tag = "JJ"
elif pos == "ADD":
ptb_tag = "NN"
elif text != pos and text in [",", ".", ":", "``", "-RRB-", "-LRB-"]:
ptb_tag = text
elif pos in ["NFP", "HYPH", "XX"]:
ptb_tag = "SYM"
return ptb_tag
[docs]def merge_punctuation(sentence):
merged_punct_sentence = []
tmp_punct_text = None
punct_text = None
last_merged_punct_index = -1
for tok_index, token in enumerate(sentence):
if token["rel"] == "punct":
punct_text = token["text"]
if tok_index < 1: # this is the first tok - append to the next token
tmp_punct_text = punct_text
else: # append to the previous token
merge_punct_tok(merged_punct_sentence, last_merged_punct_index, punct_text, False)
last_merged_punct_index = last_merged_punct_index + 1
if tmp_punct_text is not None:
merge_punct_tok(merged_punct_sentence, last_merged_punct_index, punct_text, True)
tmp_punct_text = None
return merged_punct_sentence
[docs]class CoreNLPDoc:
"""Object for core-components (POS, Dependency Relations, etc).
_doc_text: the doc text
_sentences: list of sentences, each word in a sentence is
represented by a dictionary, structured as follows: {'start': (int), 'len': (int),
'pos': (str), 'ner': (str), 'lemma': (str), 'gov': (int), 'rel': (str)}
def __init__(self, doc_text: str = "", sentences: list = None):
if sentences is None:
sentences = []
self._doc_text = doc_text
self._sentences = sentences
def doc_text(self):
return self._doc_text
def doc_text(self, val):
self._doc_text = val
def sentences(self):
return self._sentences
def sentences(self, val):
self._sentences = val
[docs] @staticmethod
def decoder(obj):
if "_doc_text" in obj and "_sentences" in obj:
return CoreNLPDoc(obj["_doc_text"], obj["_sentences"])
return obj
def __repr__(self):
return self.pretty_json()
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __iter__(self):
return self.sentences.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.sentences)
[docs] def json(self):
"""Returns json representations of the object."""
return json.dumps(self.__dict__)
[docs] def pretty_json(self):
"""Returns pretty json representations of the object."""
return json.dumps(self.__dict__, indent=4)
[docs] def sent_text(self, i):
parsed_sent = self.sentences[i]
first_tok, last_tok = parsed_sent[0], parsed_sent[-1]
return self.doc_text[first_tok["start"] : last_tok["start"] + last_tok["len"]]
[docs] def sent_iter(self):
for parsed_sent in self.sentences:
first_tok, last_tok = parsed_sent[0], parsed_sent[-1]
sent_text = self.doc_text[first_tok["start"] : last_tok["start"] + last_tok["len"]]
yield sent_text, parsed_sent
[docs] def brat_doc(self):
"""Returns doc adapted to BRAT expected input."""
doc = {"text": "", "entities": [], "relations": []}
tok_count = 0
rel_count = 1
for sentence in self.sentences:
sentence_start = sentence[0]["start"]
sentence_end = sentence[-1]["start"] + sentence[-1]["len"]
doc["text"] = doc["text"] + "\n" + self.doc_text[sentence_start:sentence_end]
token_offset = tok_count
for token in sentence:
start = token["start"]
end = start + token["len"]
doc["entities"].append(["T" + str(tok_count), token["pos"], [[start, end]]])
if token["gov"] != -1 and token["rel"] != "punct":
["", "T" + str(token_offset + token["gov"])],
["", "T" + str(tok_count)],
rel_count += 1
tok_count += 1
doc["text"] = doc["text"][1:]
return doc
[docs] def displacy_doc(self):
"""Return doc adapted to displacyENT expected input."""
doc = []
for sentence in self.sentences:
sentence_doc = {"arcs": [], "words": []}
# Merge punctuation:
merged_punct_sentence = merge_punctuation(sentence)
fix_gov_indexes(merged_punct_sentence, sentence)
for tok_index, token in enumerate(merged_punct_sentence):
sentence_doc["words"].append({"text": token["text"], "tag": token["pos"]})
dep_tok = tok_index
gov_tok = token["gov"]
direction = "left"
arc_start = dep_tok
arc_end = gov_tok
if dep_tok > gov_tok:
direction = "right"
arc_start = gov_tok
arc_end = dep_tok
if token["gov"] != -1 and token["rel"] != "punct":
"dir": direction,
"label": token["rel"],
"start": arc_start,
"end": arc_end,
return doc
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_spacy(spacy_doc, show_tok=True, show_doc=True, ptb_pos=False):
core_sents = []
for spacy_sent in spacy_doc.sents:
cur_sent = []
for tok in spacy_sent:
pos = _spacy_pos_to_ptb(tok.tag_, tok.text) if ptb_pos else tok.tag_
core_tok = {
"start": tok.idx,
"len": len(tok),
"pos": pos,
"lemma": tok.lemma_,
"rel": tok.dep_.lower(),
"gov": -1 if tok.dep_ == "ROOT" else tok.head.i - spacy_sent.start,
if show_tok:
core_tok["text"] = tok.text
core_doc = CoreNLPDoc(sentences=core_sents)
if show_doc:
core_doc.doc_text = spacy_doc.text
return core_doc