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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import json
import os
import sys

import numpy as np
from nlp_architect.utils.generic import pad_sentences
from nlp_architect.utils.text import (

[docs]class IntentDataset(object): """ Intent extraction dataset base class Args: sentence_length (int): max sentence length """ def __init__(self, sentence_length=50, word_length=12): self.data_dict = {} self.vecs = {} self.sentence_len = sentence_length self.word_len = word_length self._tokens_vocab = Vocabulary(2) self._chars_vocab = Vocabulary(2) self._tags_vocab = Vocabulary(1) self._intents_vocab = Vocabulary() def _load_data(self, train_set, test_set): # vectorize # add offset of 2 for PAD and OOV train_size = len(train_set) test_size = len(test_set) texts, tags, intents = list(zip(*train_set + test_set)) text_vectors, self._tokens_vocab = word_vector_generator(texts, lower=True, start=1) tag_vectors, self._tags_vocab = word_vector_generator(tags, lower=False, start=1) chars_vectors, self._chars_vocab = character_vector_generator(texts, start=1) i, self._intents_vocab = word_vector_generator([intents]) i = np.asarray(i[0]) text_vectors = pad_sentences(text_vectors, max_length=self.sentence_len) tag_vectors = pad_sentences(tag_vectors, max_length=self.sentence_len) chars_vectors = [pad_sentences(d, max_length=self.word_len) for d in chars_vectors] zeros = np.zeros((len(chars_vectors), self.sentence_len, self.word_len)) for idx, d in enumerate(chars_vectors): d = d[: self.sentence_len] zeros[idx, : d.shape[0]] = d chars_vectors = zeros.astype(dtype=np.int32) self.vecs["train"] = [ text_vectors[:train_size], chars_vectors[:train_size], i[:train_size], tag_vectors[:train_size], ] self.vecs["test"] = [ text_vectors[-test_size:], chars_vectors[-test_size:], i[-test_size:], tag_vectors[-test_size:], ] @property def word_vocab_size(self): """int: vocabulary size""" return len(self._tokens_vocab) + 1 @property def char_vocab_size(self): """int: char vocabulary size""" return len(self._chars_vocab) + 1 @property def label_vocab_size(self): """int: label vocabulary size""" return len(self._tags_vocab) + 1 @property def intent_size(self): """int: intent label vocabulary size""" return len(self._intents_vocab) @property def word_vocab(self): """dict: tokens vocabulary""" return self._tokens_vocab @property def char_vocab(self): """dict: word character vocabulary""" return self._chars_vocab @property def tags_vocab(self): """dict: labels vocabulary""" return self._tags_vocab @property def intents_vocab(self): """dict: intent labels vocabulary""" return self._intents_vocab @property def train_set(self): """:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: train set""" return self.vecs["train"] @property def test_set(self): """:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray`: test set""" return self.vecs["test"]
[docs]class TabularIntentDataset(IntentDataset): """ Tabular Intent/Slot tags dataset loader. Compatible with many sequence tagging datasets (ATIS, CoNLL, etc..) data format must be int tabular format where: - one word per line with tag annotation and intent type separated by tabs <token>\t<tag_label>\t<intent>\n - sentences are separated by an empty line Args: train_file (str): path to train set file test_file (str): path to test set file sentence_length (int): max sentence length word_length (int): max word length """ files = ["train", "test"] def __init__(self, train_file, test_file, sentence_length=30, word_length=12): train_set_raw, test_set_raw = self._load_dataset(train_file, test_file) super(TabularIntentDataset, self).__init__( sentence_length=sentence_length, word_length=word_length ) self._load_data(train_set_raw, test_set_raw) def _load_dataset(self, train_file, test_file): """returns a tuple of train/test with 3-tuple of tokens, tags, intent_type""" train = self._parse_sentences(self._read_file(train_file)) test = self._parse_sentences(self._read_file(test_file)) return train, test def _read_file(self, path): with open(path, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as fp: data = fp.readlines() return self._split_into_sentences(data) @staticmethod def _split_into_sentences(file_lines): sents = [] s = [] for line in file_lines: line = line.strip() if not line: sents.append(s) s = [] continue s.append(line) if s: sents.append(s) return sents @staticmethod def _parse_sentences(sentences): encoded_sentences = [] for sen in sentences: tokens = [] tags = [] intent = None for line in sen: t, s, i = line.split() tokens.append(t) tags.append(s) intent = i if intent is None: intent = i encoded_sentences.append((tokens, tags, intent)) return encoded_sentences
[docs]class SNIPS(IntentDataset): """ SNIPS dataset class Args: path (str): dataset path sentence_length (int, optional): max sentence length word_length (int, optional): max word length """ train_files = [ "AddToPlaylist/train_AddToPlaylist_full.json", "BookRestaurant/train_BookRestaurant_full.json", "GetWeather/train_GetWeather_full.json", "PlayMusic/train_PlayMusic_full.json", "RateBook/train_RateBook_full.json", "SearchCreativeWork/train_SearchCreativeWork_full.json", "SearchScreeningEvent/train_SearchScreeningEvent_full.json", ] test_files = [ "AddToPlaylist/validate_AddToPlaylist.json", "BookRestaurant/validate_BookRestaurant.json", "GetWeather/validate_GetWeather.json", "PlayMusic/validate_PlayMusic.json", "RateBook/validate_RateBook.json", "SearchCreativeWork/validate_SearchCreativeWork.json", "SearchScreeningEvent/validate_SearchScreeningEvent.json", ] files = ["train", "test"] def __init__(self, path, sentence_length=30, word_length=12): if path is None or not os.path.isdir(path): print("invalid path for SNIPS dataset loader") sys.exit(0) self.dataset_root = path train_set_raw, test_set_raw = self._load_dataset() super(SNIPS, self).__init__(sentence_length=sentence_length, word_length=word_length) self._load_data(train_set_raw, test_set_raw) def _load_dataset(self): """returns a tuple of train/test with 3-tuple of tokens, tags, intent_type""" train_data = self._load_intents(self.train_files) test_data = self._load_intents(self.test_files) train = [(t, l, i) for i in sorted(train_data) for t, l in train_data[i]] test = [(t, l, i) for i in sorted(test_data) for t, l in test_data[i]] return train, test def _load_intents(self, files): data = {} for f in sorted(files): fname = os.path.join(self.dataset_root, f) intent = f.split(os.sep)[0] with open(fname, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as fp: fdata = json.load(fp) entries = self._parse_json([d["data"] for d in fdata[intent]]) data[intent] = entries return data def _parse_json(self, data): tok = SpacyInstance(disable=["tagger", "ner", "parser", "vectors", "textcat"]) sentences = [] for s in data: tokens = [] tags = [] for t in s: new_tokens = tok.tokenize(t["text"].strip()) tokens += new_tokens ent = t.get("entity", None) if ent is not None: tags += self._create_tags(ent, len(new_tokens)) else: tags += ["O"] * len(new_tokens) sentences.append((tokens, tags)) return sentences @staticmethod def _create_tags(tag, length): labels = ["B-" + tag] if length > 1: for _ in range(length - 1): labels.append("I-" + tag) return labels