Source code for

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# ******************************************************************************
Data loader for penn tree bank dataset
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import urllib.request

    "PTB": "",
    "WikiText-103": ""

    "PTB": "",
    "WikiText-103": ""
    + "",
FILENAME = {"PTB": "simple-examples", "WikiText-103": "wikitext-103"}
EXTENSION = {"PTB": "tgz", "WikiText-103": "zip"}
    "PTB": lambda x: "data/ptb." + x + ".txt",
    "WikiText-103": lambda x: "wiki." + x + ".tokens",

[docs]class PTBDictionary: """ Class for generating a dictionary of all words in the PTB corpus """ def __init__(self, data_dir=os.path.expanduser("~/data"), dataset="WikiText-103"): """ Initialize class Args: data_dir: str, location of data dataset: str, name of data corpus """ self.data_dir = data_dir self.dataset = dataset self.filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, FILENAME[self.dataset]) self._maybe_download(data_dir) self.word2idx = {} self.idx2word = [] self.load_dictionary() print("Loaded dictionary of words of size {}".format(len(self.idx2word))) self.sos_symbol = self.word2idx["<sos>"] self.eos_symbol = self.word2idx["<eos>"] self.save_dictionary()
[docs] def add_word(self, word): """ Method for adding a single word to the dictionary Args: word: str, word to be added Returns: None """ if word not in self.word2idx: self.idx2word.append(word) self.word2idx[word] = len(self.idx2word) - 1 return self.word2idx[word]
[docs] def load_dictionary(self): """ Populate the corpus with words from train, test and valid splits of data Returns: None """ for split_type in ["train", "test", "valid"]: path = os.path.join( self.data_dir, FILENAME[self.dataset], FILES[self.dataset](split_type) ) # Add words to the dictionary with open(path, "r") as fp: tokens = 0 for line in fp: words = ["<sos>"] + line.split() + ["<eos>"] tokens += len(words) for word in words: self.add_word(word)
[docs] def save_dictionary(self): """ Save dictionary to file Returns: None """ with open(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "dictionary.txt"), "w") as fp: for k in self.word2idx: fp.write("%s,%d\n" % (k, self.word2idx[k]))
def _maybe_download(self, work_directory): """ This function downloads the corpus if its not already present Args: work_directory: str, location to download data to Returns: None """ if not os.path.exists(self.filepath): print( "{} was not found in the directory: {}, looking for compressed version".format( FILENAME[self.dataset], self.filepath ) ) full_filepath = os.path.join( work_directory, FILENAME[self.dataset] + "." + EXTENSION[self.dataset] ) if not os.path.exists(full_filepath): print("Did not find data") print( "PTB can be downloaded from \n" "wikitext can be downloaded from" "" "-modeling-dataset" ) print( "\nThe terms and conditions of the data set license apply. Intel does not " "grant any rights to the data files or database\n" ) response = input( "\nTo download data from {}, please enter YES: ".format( LICENSE_URL[self.dataset] ) ) res = response.lower().strip() if res == "yes" or (len(res) == 1 and res == "y"): print("Downloading...") self._download_data(work_directory) self._uncompress_data(work_directory) else: print("Download declined. Response received {} != YES|Y. ".format(res)) print( "Please download the model manually from the links above " "and place in directory: {}".format(work_directory) ) sys.exit() else: self._uncompress_data(work_directory) def _download_data(self, work_directory): """ This function downloads the corpus Args: work_directory: str, location to download data to Returns: None """ work_directory = os.path.abspath(work_directory) if not os.path.exists(work_directory): os.mkdir(work_directory) headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"} full_filepath = os.path.join( work_directory, FILENAME[self.dataset] + "." + EXTENSION[self.dataset] ) req = urllib.request.Request(SOURCE_URL[self.dataset], headers=headers) data_handle = urllib.request.urlopen(req) with open(full_filepath, "wb") as fp: fp.write( print("Successfully downloaded data to {}".format(full_filepath)) def _uncompress_data(self, work_directory): full_filepath = os.path.join( work_directory, FILENAME[self.dataset] + "." + EXTENSION[self.dataset] ) if EXTENSION[self.dataset] == "tgz": import tarfile with, "r:gz") as tar: tar.extractall(path=work_directory) if EXTENSION[self.dataset] == "zip": import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile(full_filepath, "r") as zip_handle: zip_handle.extractall(work_directory) print( "Successfully unzipped data to {}".format( os.path.join(work_directory, FILENAME[self.dataset]) ) )
[docs]class PTBDataLoader: """ Class that defines data loader """ def __init__( self, word_dict, seq_len=100, data_dir=os.path.expanduser("~/data"), dataset="WikiText-103", batch_size=32, skip=30, split_type="train", loop=True, ): """ Initialize class Args: word_dict: PTBDictionary object seq_len: int, sequence length of data data_dir: str, location of corpus data dataset: str, name of corpus batch_size: int, batch size skip: int, number of words to skip over while generating batches split_type: str, train/test/valid loop: boolean, whether or not to loop over data when it runs out """ self.seq_len = seq_len self.dataset = dataset self.loop = loop self.skip = skip self.word2idx = word_dict.word2idx self.idx2word = word_dict.idx2word = self.load_series( os.path.join(data_dir, FILENAME[self.dataset], FILES[self.dataset](split_type)) ) self.random_index = np.random.permutation( np.arange(0,[0] - self.seq_len, self.skip) ) self.n_train = self.random_index.shape[0] self.batch_size = batch_size self.sample_count = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return self.get_batch()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the sample count to zero, re-shuffles data Returns: None """ self.sample_count = 0 self.random_index = np.random.permutation( np.arange(0,[0] - self.seq_len, self.skip) )
[docs] def get_batch(self): """ Get one batch of the data Returns: None """ if self.sample_count + self.batch_size > self.n_train: if self.loop: self.reset() else: raise StopIteration("Ran out of data") batch_x = [] batch_y = [] for _ in range(self.batch_size): c_i = int(self.random_index[self.sample_count]) batch_x.append([c_i : c_i + self.seq_len]) batch_y.append([c_i + 1 : c_i + self.seq_len + 1]) self.sample_count += 1 batch = (np.array(batch_x), np.array(batch_y)) return batch
[docs] def load_series(self, path): """ Load all the data into an array Args: path: str, location of the input data file Returns: """ # Tokenize file content with open(path, "r") as fp: ids = [] for line in fp: words = line.split() + ["<eos>"] for word in words: ids.append(self.word2idx[word]) data = np.array(ids) return data
[docs] def decode_line(self, tokens): """ Decode a given line from index to word Args: tokens: List of indexes Returns: str, a sentence """ return " ".join([self.idx2word[t] for t in tokens])