Source code for nlp_architect.models.bist.decoder

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import numpy as np

# Things that were changed from the original:
# - Reformatted code and variable names to conform with PEP8
# - Added legal header

# This file contains routines from Lisbon Machine Learning summer school.
# The code is freely distributed under a MIT license.

[docs]def parse_proj(scores, gold=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ Parse using Eisner's algorithm. """ nr, nc = np.shape(scores) if nr != nc: raise ValueError("scores must be a squared matrix with nw+1 rows") N = nr - 1 # Number of words (excluding root). # Initialize CKY table. complete = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1, 2]) # s, t, direction (right=1). incomplete = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1, 2]) # s, t, direction (right=1). complete_backtrack = -np.ones([N + 1, N + 1, 2], dtype=int) # s, t, direction (right=1). incomplete_backtrack = -np.ones([N + 1, N + 1, 2], dtype=int) # s, t, direction (right=1). incomplete[0, :, 0] -= np.inf # Loop from smaller items to larger items. for k in range(1, N + 1): for s in range(N - k + 1): t = s + k # First, create incomplete items. # left tree incomplete_vals0 = ( complete[s, s:t, 1] + complete[(s + 1) : (t + 1), t, 0] + scores[t, s] + (0.0 if gold is not None and gold[s] == t else 1.0) ) incomplete[s, t, 0] = np.max(incomplete_vals0) incomplete_backtrack[s, t, 0] = s + np.argmax(incomplete_vals0) # right tree incomplete_vals1 = ( complete[s, s:t, 1] + complete[(s + 1) : (t + 1), t, 0] + scores[s, t] + (0.0 if gold is not None and gold[t] == s else 1.0) ) incomplete[s, t, 1] = np.max(incomplete_vals1) incomplete_backtrack[s, t, 1] = s + np.argmax(incomplete_vals1) # Second, create complete items. # left tree complete_vals0 = complete[s, s:t, 0] + incomplete[s:t, t, 0] complete[s, t, 0] = np.max(complete_vals0) complete_backtrack[s, t, 0] = s + np.argmax(complete_vals0) # right tree complete_vals1 = incomplete[s, (s + 1) : (t + 1), 1] + complete[(s + 1) : (t + 1), t, 1] complete[s, t, 1] = np.max(complete_vals1) complete_backtrack[s, t, 1] = s + 1 + np.argmax(complete_vals1) # value = complete[0][N][1] heads = [-1 for _ in range(N + 1)] # -np.ones(N+1, dtype=int) _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, 0, N, 1, 1, heads) value_proj = 0.0 for m in range(1, N + 1): h = heads[m] value_proj += scores[h, m] return heads
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, s, t, direction, complete, heads): """ Backtracking step in Eisner's algorithm. - incomplete_backtrack is a (NW+1)-by-(NW+1) numpy array indexed by a start position, an end position, and a direction flag (0 means left, 1 means right). This array contains the arg-maxes of each step in the Eisner algorithm when building *incomplete* spans. - complete_backtrack is a (NW+1)-by-(NW+1) numpy array indexed by a start position, an end position, and a direction flag (0 means left, 1 means right). This array contains the arg-maxes of each step in the Eisner algorithm when building *complete* spans. - s is the current start of the span - t is the current end of the span - direction is 0 (left attachment) or 1 (right attachment) - complete is 1 if the current span is complete, and 0 otherwise - heads is a (NW+1)-sized numpy array of integers which is a placeholder for storing the head of each word. """ if s == t: return if complete: r = complete_backtrack[s][t][direction] if direction == 0: _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, s, r, 0, 1, heads) _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, r, t, 0, 0, heads) return _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, s, r, 1, 0, heads) _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, r, t, 1, 1, heads) return r = incomplete_backtrack[s][t][direction] if direction == 0: heads[s] = t _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, s, r, 1, 1, heads) _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, r + 1, t, 0, 1, heads) return heads[t] = s _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, s, r, 1, 1, heads) _backtrack_eisner(incomplete_backtrack, complete_backtrack, r + 1, t, 0, 1, heads) return