Source code for nlp_architect.models.bist.eval.conllu.conll17_ud_eval

# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************

import os
import sys

# Things that were changed from the original:
# - Added legal header
# - Reformatted code and variable names to conform with PEP8
# - Added pointer to 'weights.clas' file
# - Added run_conllu_eval()
# - Removed tests and command-line usage option
# - Removed unnecessary imports
# - Add pylint check disable flags

# !/usr/bin/env python
# CoNLL 2017 UD Parsing evaluation script.
# Compatible with Python 2.7 and 3.2+, can be used either as a module
# or a standalone executable.
# Copyright 2017 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL),
# Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic.
# Changelog:
# - [02 Jan 2017] Version 0.9: Initial release
# - [25 Jan 2017] Version 0.9.1: Fix bug in LCS alignment computation
# - [10 Mar 2017] Version 1.0: Add documentation and test
#                              Compare HEADs correctly using aligned words
#                              Allow evaluation with errorneous spaces in forms
#                              Compare forms in LCS case insensitively
#                              Detect cycles and multiple root nodes
#                              Compute AlignedAccuracy
# API usage
# ---------
# - load_conllu(file)
#   - loads CoNLL-U file from given file object to an internal representation
#   - the file object should return str on both Python 2 and Python 3
#   - raises UDError exception if the given file cannot be loaded
# - evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud)
#   - evaluate the given gold and system CoNLL-U files (loaded with
#     load_conllu)
#   - raises UDError if the concatenated tokens of gold and system file do not
#     match
#   - returns a dictionary with the metrics described above, each metrics
#     having three fields: precision, recall and f1
# Description of token matching
# -----------------------------
# In order to match tokens of gold file and system file, we consider the text
# resulting from concatenation of gold tokens and text resulting from
# concatenation of system tokens. These texts should match -- if they do not,
# the evaluation fails.
# If the texts do match, every token is represented as a range in this original
# text, and tokens are equal only if their range is the same.
# Description of word matching
# ----------------------------
# When matching words of gold file and system file, we first match the tokens.
# The words which are also tokens are matched as tokens, but words in
# multi-word tokens have to be handled differently.
# To handle multi-word tokens, we start by finding "multi-word spans".
# Multi-word span is a span in the original text such that
# - it contains at least one multi-word token
# - all multi-word tokens in the span (considering both gold and system ones)
#   are completely inside the span (i.e., they do not "stick out")
# - the multi-word span is as small as possible
# For every multi-word span, we align the gold and system words completely
# inside this span using LCS on their FORMs. The words not intersecting
# (even partially) any multi-word span are then aligned as tokens.
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements

# CoNLL-U column names

WEIGHTS = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "weights.clas")

# UD Error is used when raising exceptions in this module
[docs]class UDError(Exception): pass
# Load given CoNLL-U file into internal representation
[docs]def load_conllu(file): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # Internal representation classes class UDRepresentation: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self): # Characters of all the tokens in the whole file. # Whitespace between tokens is not included. self.characters = [] # List of UDSpan instances with start&end indices into `characters` self.tokens = [] # List of UDWord instances. self.words = [] # List of UDSpan instances with start&end indices into `characters` self.sentences = [] class UDSpan: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = start # Note that self.end marks the first position **after the end** of # span, so we can use characters[start:end] or range(start, end). self.end = end class UDWord: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, span, columns, is_multiword): # Span of this word (or MWT, see below) within # ud_representation.characters. self.span = span # 10 columns of the CoNLL-U file: ID, FORM, LEMMA,... self.columns = columns # is_multiword==True means that this word is part of a multi-word # token. # In that case, self.span marks the span of the whole multi-word # token. self.is_multiword = is_multiword # Reference to the UDWord instance representing the HEAD (or None # if root). self.parent = None # Let's ignore language-specific deprel subtypes. self.columns[DEPREL] = columns[DEPREL].split(":")[0] ud = UDRepresentation() # Load the CoNLL-U file index, sentence_start = 0, None while True: line = file.readline() if not line: break line = line.rstrip("\r\n") # Handle sentence start boundaries if sentence_start is None: # Skip comments if line.startswith("#"): continue # Start a new sentence ud.sentences.append(UDSpan(index, 0)) sentence_start = len(ud.words) if not line: # Add parent UDWord links and check there are no cycles def process_word(word): if word.parent == "remapping": raise UDError("There is a cycle in a sentence") if word.parent is None: head = int(word.columns[HEAD]) if head > len(ud.words) - sentence_start: raise UDError( "HEAD '{}' points outside of the sentence".format(word.columns[HEAD]) ) if head: parent = ud.words[sentence_start + head - 1] word.parent = "remapping" process_word(parent) word.parent = parent for word in ud.words[sentence_start:]: process_word(word) # Check there is a single root node if len([word for word in ud.words[sentence_start:] if word.parent is None]) != 1: raise UDError("There are multiple roots in a sentence") # End the sentence ud.sentences[-1].end = index sentence_start = None continue # Read next token/word columns = line.split("\t") if len(columns) != 10: raise UDError( "The CoNLL-U line does not contain 10 tab-separated columns: " "'{}'".format(line) ) # Skip empty nodes if "." in columns[ID]: continue # Delete spaces from FORM so gold.characters == system.characters # even if one of them tokenizes the space. columns[FORM] = columns[FORM].replace(" ", "") if not columns[FORM]: raise UDError("There is an empty FORM in the CoNLL-U file") # Save token ud.characters.extend(columns[FORM]) ud.tokens.append(UDSpan(index, index + len(columns[FORM]))) index += len(columns[FORM]) # Handle multi-word tokens to save word(s) if "-" in columns[ID]: try: start, end = list(map(int, columns[ID].split("-"))) except Exception: raise UDError("Cannot parse multi-word token ID '{}'".format(columns[ID])) for _ in range(start, end + 1): word_line = file.readline().rstrip("\r\n") word_columns = word_line.split("\t") if len(word_columns) != 10: raise UDError( "The CoNLL-U line does not contain 10 tab-separated " "columns: '{}'".format(word_line) ) ud.words.append(UDWord(ud.tokens[-1], word_columns, is_multiword=True)) # Basic tokens/words else: try: word_id = int(columns[ID]) except Exception: raise UDError("Cannot parse word ID '{}'".format(columns[ID])) if word_id != len(ud.words) - sentence_start + 1: raise UDError( "Incorrect word ID '{}' for word '{}', expected" " '{}'".format(columns[ID], columns[FORM], len(ud.words) - sentence_start + 1) ) try: head_id = int(columns[HEAD]) except Exception: raise UDError("Cannot parse HEAD '{}'".format(columns[HEAD])) if head_id < 0: raise UDError("HEAD cannot be negative") ud.words.append(UDWord(ud.tokens[-1], columns, is_multiword=False)) if sentence_start is not None: raise UDError("The CoNLL-U file does not end with empty line") return ud
# Evaluate the gold and system treebanks (loaded using load_conllu).
[docs]def evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud, deprel_weights=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals class Score: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, gold_total, system_total, correct, aligned_total=None): self.precision = correct / system_total if system_total else 0.0 self.recall = correct / gold_total if gold_total else 0.0 self.f1 = ( 2 * correct / (system_total + gold_total) if system_total + gold_total else 0.0 ) self.aligned_accuracy = correct / aligned_total if aligned_total else aligned_total class AlignmentWord: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, gold_word, system_word): self.gold_word = gold_word self.system_word = system_word self.gold_parent = None self.system_parent_gold_aligned = None class Alignment: def __init__(self, gold_words, system_words): self.gold_words = gold_words self.system_words = system_words self.matched_words = [] self.matched_words_map = {} def append_aligned_words(self, gold_word, system_word): self.matched_words.append(AlignmentWord(gold_word, system_word)) self.matched_words_map[system_word] = gold_word def fill_parents(self): # We represent root parents in both gold and system data by '0'. # For gold data, we represent non-root parent by corresponding gold # word. # For system data, we represent non-root parent by either gold word # aligned # to parent system nodes, or by None if no gold words is aligned to # the parent. for words in self.matched_words: words.gold_parent = ( words.gold_word.parent if words.gold_word.parent is not None else 0 ) words.system_parent_gold_aligned = ( self.matched_words_map.get(words.system_word.parent, None) if words.system_word.parent is not None else 0 ) def lower(text): if sys.version_info < (3, 0) and isinstance(text, str): return text.decode("utf-8").lower() return text.lower() def spans_score(gold_spans, system_spans): correct, gi, si = 0, 0, 0 while gi < len(gold_spans) and si < len(system_spans): if system_spans[si].start < gold_spans[gi].start: si += 1 elif gold_spans[gi].start < system_spans[si].start: gi += 1 else: correct += gold_spans[gi].end == system_spans[si].end si += 1 gi += 1 return Score(len(gold_spans), len(system_spans), correct) def alignment_score(alignment, key_fn, weight_fn=lambda w: 1): gold, system, aligned, correct = 0, 0, 0, 0 for word in alignment.gold_words: gold += weight_fn(word) for word in alignment.system_words: system += weight_fn(word) for words in alignment.matched_words: aligned += weight_fn(words.gold_word) if key_fn is None: # Return score for whole aligned words return Score(gold, system, aligned) for words in alignment.matched_words: if key_fn(words.gold_word, words.gold_parent) == key_fn( words.system_word, words.system_parent_gold_aligned ): correct += weight_fn(words.gold_word) return Score(gold, system, correct, aligned) def beyond_end(words, i, multiword_span_end): if i >= len(words): return True if words[i].is_multiword: return words[i].span.start >= multiword_span_end return words[i].span.end > multiword_span_end def extend_end(word, multiword_span_end): if word.is_multiword and word.span.end > multiword_span_end: return word.span.end return multiword_span_end def find_multiword_span(gold_words, system_words, gi, si): # We know gold_words[gi].is_multiword or system_words[si].is_multiword. # Find the start of the multiword span (gs, ss), so the multiword span # is minimal. # Initialize multiword_span_end characters index. if gold_words[gi].is_multiword: multiword_span_end = gold_words[gi].span.end if ( not system_words[si].is_multiword and system_words[si].span.start < gold_words[gi].span.start ): si += 1 else: # if system_words[si].is_multiword multiword_span_end = system_words[si].span.end if ( not gold_words[gi].is_multiword and gold_words[gi].span.start < system_words[si].span.start ): gi += 1 gs, ss = gi, si # Find the end of the multiword span # (so both gi and si are pointing to the word following the multiword # span end). while not beyond_end(gold_words, gi, multiword_span_end) or not beyond_end( system_words, si, multiword_span_end ): gold_start = gold_words[gi].span.start sys_start = system_words[si].span.start if gi < len(gold_words) and (si >= len(system_words) or gold_start <= sys_start): multiword_span_end = extend_end(gold_words[gi], multiword_span_end) gi += 1 else: multiword_span_end = extend_end(system_words[si], multiword_span_end) si += 1 return gs, ss, gi, si def compute_lcs(gold_words, system_words, gi, si, gs, ss): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments lcs = [[0] * (si - ss) for _ in range(gi - gs)] for g in reversed(list(range(gi - gs))): for s in reversed(list(range(si - ss))): if lower(gold_words[gs + g].columns[FORM]) == lower( system_words[ss + s].columns[FORM] ): lcs[g][s] = 1 + ( lcs[g + 1][s + 1] if g + 1 < gi - gs and s + 1 < si - ss else 0 ) lcs[g][s] = max(lcs[g][s], lcs[g + 1][s] if g + 1 < gi - gs else 0) lcs[g][s] = max(lcs[g][s], lcs[g][s + 1] if s + 1 < si - ss else 0) return lcs def align_words(gold_words, system_words): alignment = Alignment(gold_words, system_words) gi, si = 0, 0 while gi < len(gold_words) and si < len(system_words): if gold_words[gi].is_multiword or system_words[si].is_multiword: # A: Multi-word tokens => align via LCS within the whole # "multiword span". gs, ss, gi, si = find_multiword_span(gold_words, system_words, gi, si) if si > ss and gi > gs: lcs = compute_lcs(gold_words, system_words, gi, si, gs, ss) # Store aligned words s, g = 0, 0 while g < gi - gs and s < si - ss: if lower(gold_words[gs + g].columns[FORM]) == lower( system_words[ss + s].columns[FORM] ): alignment.append_aligned_words(gold_words[gs + g], system_words[ss + s]) g += 1 s += 1 elif lcs[g][s] == (lcs[g + 1][s] if g + 1 < gi - gs else 0): g += 1 else: s += 1 else: # B: No multi-word token => align according to spans. if (gold_words[gi].span.start, gold_words[gi].span.end) == ( system_words[si].span.start, system_words[si].span.end, ): alignment.append_aligned_words(gold_words[gi], system_words[si]) gi += 1 si += 1 elif gold_words[gi].span.start <= system_words[si].span.start: gi += 1 else: si += 1 alignment.fill_parents() return alignment # Check that underlying character sequences do match if gold_ud.characters != system_ud.characters: index = 0 while gold_ud.characters[index] == system_ud.characters[index]: index += 1 raise UDError( "The concatenation of tokens in gold file and in system file " "differ!\n" + "First 20 differing characters in gold file: '{}' and system file:" " '{}'".format( "".join(gold_ud.characters[index : index + 20]), "".join(system_ud.characters[index : index + 20]), ) ) # Align words alignment = align_words(gold_ud.words, system_ud.words) # Compute the F1-scores result = { "Tokens": spans_score(gold_ud.tokens, system_ud.tokens), "Sentences": spans_score(gold_ud.sentences, system_ud.sentences), "Words": alignment_score(alignment, None), "UPOS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[UPOS]), "XPOS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[XPOS]), "Feats": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[FEATS]), "AllTags": alignment_score( alignment, lambda w, parent: (w.columns[UPOS], w.columns[XPOS], w.columns[FEATS]) ), "Lemmas": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: w.columns[LEMMA]), "UAS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: parent), "LAS": alignment_score(alignment, lambda w, parent: (parent, w.columns[DEPREL])), } # Add WeightedLAS if weights are given if deprel_weights is not None: def weighted_las(word): return deprel_weights.get(word.columns[DEPREL], 1.0) result["WeightedLAS"] = alignment_score( alignment, lambda w, parent: (parent, w.columns[DEPREL]), weighted_las ) return result
[docs]def load_deprel_weights(weights_file): if weights_file is None: return None deprel_weights = {} with open(weights_file) as f: for line in f: # Ignore comments and empty lines if line.startswith("#") or not line.strip(): continue columns = line.rstrip("\r\n").split() if len(columns) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected two columns in the UD Relations weights file on line" " '{}'".format(line) ) deprel_weights[columns[0]] = float(columns[1]) return deprel_weights
[docs]def load_conllu_file(path): with open( path, mode="r", **({"encoding": "utf-8"} if sys.version_info >= (3, 0) else {}) ) as _file: return load_conllu(_file)
[docs]def evaluate_wrapper(gold_file: str, system_file: str, weights_file: str): # Load CoNLL-U files gold_ud = load_conllu_file(gold_file) system_ud = load_conllu_file(system_file) # Load weights if requested deprel_weights = load_deprel_weights(weights_file) return evaluate(gold_ud, system_ud, deprel_weights)
[docs]def run_conllu_eval(gold_file, test_file, weights_file=WEIGHTS, verbose=True): # Use verbose if weights are supplied if weights_file is not None and not verbose: verbose = True # Evaluate evaluation = evaluate_wrapper(gold_file, test_file, weights_file) # Write the evaluation to file with open(test_file[: test_file.rindex(".")] + "_eval.txt", "w") as out_file: if not verbose: out_file.write("LAS F1 Score: {:.2f}".format(100 * evaluation["LAS"].f1) + "\n") else: metrics = [ "Tokens", "Sentences", "Words", "UPOS", "XPOS", "Feats", "AllTags", "Lemmas", "UAS", "LAS", ] if weights_file is not None: metrics.append("WeightedLAS") out_file.write("Metrics | Precision | Recall | F1 Score | AligndAcc" + "\n") out_file.write("-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------" + "\n") for metric in metrics: out_file.write( "{:11}|{:10.2f} |{:10.2f} |{:10.2f} |{}".format( metric, 100 * evaluation[metric].precision, 100 * evaluation[metric].recall, 100 * evaluation[metric].f1, "{:10.2f}".format(100 * evaluation[metric].aligned_accuracy) if evaluation[metric].aligned_accuracy is not None else "", ) + "\n" )