Source code for nlp_architect.models.cross_doc_coref.sieves_resource

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from nlp_architect import LIBRARY_ROOT
from import (

[docs]class SievesResources(object): def __init__(self): """Cross Document co-reference sieve system resources configuration class""" self.__eval_output_dir = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "datasets" / "cdc" / "test_predict") self.__elastic_index = "enwiki_v2" self.__elastic_host = "localhost" self.__elastic_port = 9200 self.__wiki_folder = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dumps" "wikipedia") self.__wd_file = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dump" / "within_doc_core" / "ecb_wd_coref_proc.json") self.__wn_folder = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dump" / "wordnet") self.__elmo_file = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dump" / "embedde" / "ecb_all_with_stop_elmo.pickle") self.__glove_file = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dump" / "embedde" / "ecb_all_embed_glove.pickle") self.__referent_dict_file = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dataset" / "coref.dict1.tsv") self.__vo_dict_file = str(LIBRARY_ROOT / "dataset" / "verbocean.unrefined.2004-05-20.txt") self.__wiki_search_method = WikipediaSearchMethod.ONLINE self.__wn_search_method = OnlineOROfflineMethod.ONLINE self.__embed_search_method = EmbeddingMethod.ELMO self.__referent_dict_method = OnlineOROfflineMethod.ONLINE self.__vo_search_method = OnlineOROfflineMethod.ONLINE @property def eval_output_dir(self) -> str: """ The output dir of the evaluation files, here scorer file for cross doc coref spans will be saved """ return self.__eval_output_dir @eval_output_dir.setter def eval_output_dir(self, eval_output_dir: str): self.__eval_output_dir = eval_output_dir @property def wiki_folder(self): """ Location of Wikipedia mini data set file, #Required mini data set file location for Offline evaluation using Wikipedia sieve """ return self.__wiki_folder @wiki_folder.setter def wiki_folder(self, wiki_folder: str): self.__wiki_folder = wiki_folder @property def wd_file(self): """ Location of Within doc data set file, #Required when using Within doc sieve """ return self.__wd_file @wd_file.setter def wd_file(self, wd_file: str): self.__wd_file = wd_file @property def wn_folder(self): """ Location of WordNet mini data set file, #Required mini data set file location for Offline evaluation using WordNet sieve """ return self.__wn_folder @wn_folder.setter def wn_folder(self, wn_folder: str): self.__wn_folder = wn_folder @property def glove_file(self): """ Location of GloVe mini data set file, #Required mini data set file location for Offline evaluation using GloVe sieve """ return self.__glove_file @glove_file.setter def glove_file(self, glove_file: str): self.__glove_file = glove_file @property def elmo_file(self): """ Location of Elmo mini data set file, #Required mini data set file location for Offline evaluation using GloVe sieve """ return self.__elmo_file @elmo_file.setter def elmo_file(self, elmo_file: str): self.__elmo_file = elmo_file @property def referent_dict_file(self): """ Location of Referent dic data set file, #Required mini data set file for Offline evaluation or original file for Online evaluation using Referent Dict sieve """ return self.__referent_dict_file @referent_dict_file.setter def referent_dict_file(self, referent_dict_file: str): self.__referent_dict_file = referent_dict_file @property def vo_dict_file(self): """ Location of VerbOcean data set file, #Required mini data set file for Offline evaluation or original file for Online evaluation using VerbOcean sieve """ return self.__vo_dict_file @vo_dict_file.setter def vo_dict_file(self, vo_dict_file: str): self.__vo_dict_file = vo_dict_file @property def elastic_index(self): """ Elastic index name, #Required when using Elastic evaluation using Wikipedia sieve """ return self.__elastic_index @elastic_index.setter def elastic_index(self, elastic_index: str): self.__elastic_index = elastic_index @property def elastic_host(self): """ Elastic host, #Required when using Elastic evaluation using Wikipedia sieve """ return self.__elastic_host @elastic_host.setter def elastic_host(self, elastic_host: str): self.__elastic_host = elastic_host @property def elastic_port(self): """ Elastic port number, #Required when using Elastic evaluation using Wikipedia sieve """ return self.__elastic_port @elastic_port.setter def elastic_port(self, elastic_port: str): self.__elastic_port = elastic_port @property def wiki_search_method(self): """ Wikipedia search method type, one of: WikipediaSearchMethod.ONLINE, WikipediaSearchMethod.OFFLINE, WikipediaSearchMethod.ELASTIC """ return self.__wiki_search_method @wiki_search_method.setter def wiki_search_method(self, wiki_search_method: str): self.__wiki_search_method = wiki_search_method @property def wn_search_method(self): """ Wordnet search method type, one of: OnlineOROfflineMethod.ONLINE, OnlineOROfflineMethod.OFFLINE """ return self.__wn_search_method @wn_search_method.setter def wn_search_method(self, wn_search_method: str): self.__wn_search_method = wn_search_method @property def embed_search_method(self): """ Wordnet search method type, one of: EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE, EmbeddingMethod.GLOVE_OFFLINE, EmbeddingMethod.ELMO, EmbeddingMethod.ELMO_OFFLINE """ return self.__embed_search_method @embed_search_method.setter def embed_search_method(self, embed_search_method: str): self.__embed_search_method = embed_search_method @property def referent_dict_method(self): """ Referent Dict search method type, one of: OnlineOROfflineMethod.ONLINE, OnlineOROfflineMethod.OFFLINE """ return self.__referent_dict_method @referent_dict_method.setter def referent_dict_method(self, referent_dict_method: str): self.__referent_dict_method = referent_dict_method @property def vo_search_method(self): """ VerbOcean search method type, one of: OnlineOROfflineMethod.ONLINE, OnlineOROfflineMethod.OFFLINE """ return self.__vo_search_method @vo_search_method.setter def vo_search_method(self, vo_search_method: str): self.__vo_search_method = vo_search_method