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# Copyright 2017-2018 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************
import argparse
import gzip
import io
import json
import os
import posixpath
import re
import sys
import zipfile
from os import PathLike, makedirs
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

from nlp_architect.utils.generic import license_prompt

[docs]def download_unlicensed_file(url, sourcefile, destfile, totalsz=None): """ Download the file specified by the given URL. Args: url (str): url to download from sourcefile (str): file to download from url destfile (str): save path totalsz (:obj:`int`, optional): total size of file """ req = requests.get(posixpath.join(url, sourcefile), stream=True) chunksz = 1024 ** 2 if totalsz is None: if "Content-length" in req.headers: totalsz = int(req.headers["Content-length"]) nchunks = totalsz // chunksz else: print("Unable to determine total file size.") nchunks = None else: nchunks = totalsz // chunksz print("Downloading file to: {}".format(destfile)) with open(destfile, "wb") as f: for data in tqdm(req.iter_content(chunksz), total=nchunks, unit="MB", file=sys.stdout): f.write(data) print("Download Complete")
[docs]def uncompress_file(filepath: str or os.PathLike, outpath="."): """ Unzip a file to the same location of filepath uses decompressing algorithm by file extension Args: filepath (str): path to file outpath (str): path to extract to """ filepath = str(filepath) if filepath.endswith(".gz"): if os.path.isdir(outpath): raise ValueError("output path for gzip must be a file") with, "rb") as fp: file_content = with open(outpath, "wb") as fp: fp.write(file_content) return None # To unzip zipped model files having SHA-encoded etag and url as filename # raise ValueError('Unsupported archive provided. Method supports only .zip/.gz files.') with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath) as z: z.extractall(outpath) return [x for x in z.namelist() if not (x.startswith("__MACOSX") or x.endswith("/"))]
[docs]def zipfile_list(filepath: str or os.PathLike): """ List the files inside a given zip file Args: filepath (str): path to file Returns: String list of filenames """ with zipfile.ZipFile(filepath) as z: return [x for x in z.namelist() if not (x.startswith("__MACOSX") or x.endswith("/"))]
[docs]def gzip_str(g_str): """ Transform string to GZIP coding Args: g_str (str): string of data Returns: GZIP bytes data """ compressed_str = io.BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed_str, mode="w") as file_out: file_out.write((json.dumps(g_str).encode())) bytes_obj = compressed_str.getvalue() return bytes_obj
[docs]def check_directory_and_create(dir_path): """ Check if given directory exists, create if not. Args: dir_path (str): path to directory """ if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path)
[docs]def walk_directory(directory, verbose=False): """Iterates a directory's text files and their contents.""" for dir_path, _, filenames in os.walk(directory): for filename in filenames: file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path) and not filename.startswith("."): with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: if verbose: print("Reading {}".format(filename)) doc_text = yield filename, doc_text
[docs]def validate(*args): """ Validate all arguments are of correct type and in correct range. Args: *args (tuple of tuples): Each tuple represents an argument validation like so: Option 1 - With range check: (arg, class, min_val, max_val) Option 2 - Without range check: (arg, class) If class is a tuple of type objects check if arg is an instance of any of the types. To allow a None valued argument, include type(None) in class. To disable lower or upper bound check, set min_val or max_val to None, respectively. If arg has the len attribute (such as string), range checks are performed on its length. """ for arg in args: arg_val = arg[0] arg_type = (arg[1],) if isinstance(arg[1], type) else arg[1] if not isinstance(arg_val, arg_type): raise TypeError("Expected type {}".format(" or ".join([t.__name__ for t in arg_type]))) if arg_val is not None and len(arg) >= 4: name = "of " + arg[4] if len(arg) == 5 else "" arg_min = arg[2] arg_max = arg[3] if hasattr(arg_val, "__len__"): val = "Length" num = len(arg_val) else: val = "Value" num = arg_val if arg_min is not None and num < arg_min: raise ValueError("{} {} must be greater or equal to {}".format(val, name, arg_min)) if arg_max is not None and num >= arg_max: raise ValueError("{} {} must be less than {}".format(val, name, arg_max))
[docs]def validate_existing_filepath(arg): """Validates an input argument is a path string to an existing file.""" validate((arg, str, 0, 255)) if not os.path.isfile(arg): raise ValueError("{0} does not exist.".format(arg)) return arg
[docs]def validate_existing_directory(arg): """Validates an input argument is a path string to an existing directory.""" arg = os.path.abspath(arg) validate((arg, str, 0, 255)) if not os.path.isdir(arg): raise ValueError("{0} does not exist".format(arg)) return arg
[docs]def validate_existing_path(arg): """Validates an input argument is a path string to an existing file or directory.""" arg = os.path.abspath(arg) validate((arg, str, 0, 255)) if not os.path.exists(arg): raise ValueError("{0} does not exist".format(arg)) return arg
[docs]def validate_parent_exists(arg): """Validates an input argument is a path string, and its parent directory exists.""" arg = os.path.abspath(arg) dir_arg = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(arg)) if validate_existing_directory(dir_arg): return arg return None
[docs]def valid_path_append(path, *args): """ Helper to validate passed path directory and append any subsequent filename arguments. Arguments: path (str): Initial filesystem path. Should expand to a valid directory. *args (list, optional): Any filename or path suffices to append to path for returning. Returns: (list, str): path prepended list of files from args, or path alone if no args specified. Raises: ValueError: if path is not a valid directory on this filesystem. """ full_path = os.path.expanduser(path) res = [] if not os.path.exists(full_path): os.makedirs(full_path) if not os.path.isdir(full_path): raise ValueError("path: {0} is not a valid directory".format(path)) for suffix_path in args: res.append(os.path.join(full_path, suffix_path)) if len(res) == 0: return path if len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res
[docs]def sanitize_path(path): s_path = os.path.normpath("/" + path).lstrip("/") assert len(s_path) < 255 return s_path
[docs]def check(validator): class CustomAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): validator(values) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) return CustomAction
[docs]def check_size(min_size=None, max_size=None): class CustomAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): validate((values, self.type, min_size, max_size, self.dest)) setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) return CustomAction
[docs]def validate_proxy_path(arg): """Validates an input argument is a valid proxy path or None""" proxy_validation_regex = re.compile( r"^(?:http|ftp)s?://" # http:// or https:// r"(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|" r"localhost|" # localhost... r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})" # ...or ip r"(?::\d+)?" # optional port r"(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$", re.IGNORECASE, ) if arg is not None and re.match(proxy_validation_regex, arg) is None: raise ValueError("{0} is not a valid proxy path".format(arg)) return arg
[docs]def validate_boolean(arg): """Validates an input argument of type boolean""" if arg.lower() not in ["true", "false"]: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("expected true | false argument") return arg.lower() == "true"
[docs]def load_json_file(file_path): """load a file into a json object""" try: with open(file_path) as small_file: return json.load(small_file) except OSError as e: print(e) print("trying to read file in blocks") with open(file_path) as big_file: json_string = "" while True: block = * (1 << 20)) # Read 64 MB at a time; json_string = json_string + block if not block: # Reached EOF break return json.loads(json_string)
[docs]def json_dumper(obj): """for objects that have members that cant be serialized and implement toJson() method""" try: return obj.toJson() except Exception: return obj.__dict__
[docs]def load_files_from_path(dir_path, extension="txt"): """load all files from given directory (with given extension)""" files = [ os.path.join(dir_path, f) for f in os.listdir(dir_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir_path, f)) and f.endswith(extension) ] files_data = [] for f in files: with open(f) as fp: files_data.append(" ".join(map(str.strip, fp.readlines()))) return files_data
[docs]def create_folder(path): if path: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path)
[docs]def download_unzip( url: str, sourcefile: str, unzipped_path: str or PathLike, license_msg: str = None ): """Downloads a zip file, extracts it to destination, deletes the zip file. If license_msg is supplied, user is prompted for download confirmation.""" dest_parent = Path(unzipped_path).parent if not os.path.exists(unzipped_path): if license_msg is None or license_prompt(license_msg, urlparse(url).netloc): zip_path = dest_parent / sourcefile makedirs(dest_parent, exist_ok=True) download_unlicensed_file(url, sourcefile, zip_path) print("Unzipping...") uncompress_file(zip_path, dest_parent) return unzipped_path
[docs]def line_count(file): """Utility function for getting number of lines in a text file.""" count = 0 with open(file, encoding="utf-8") as f: for _ in f: count += 1 return count
[docs]def prepare_output_path(output_dir: str, overwrite_output_dir: str): """Create output directory or throw error if exists and overwrite_output_dir is false""" if os.path.exists(output_dir) and os.listdir(output_dir) and not overwrite_output_dir: raise ValueError( "Output directory ({}) already exists and is not empty. Use --overwrite_output_dir " "to overcome.".format(output_dir) ) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir)