
Overview of Scenario Execution

Overview of Scenario Execution

Scenario execution is built as a Python library on top of two open-source components: the generic scenario description language OpenSCENARIO 2 and PyTrees. In general, the user defines a scenario in the OpenSCENARIO 2 language, scenario execution parses the scenario, translates it to a behavior tree, executes it and finally gathers the test results.

Architecture of Scenario Execution

Architecture of Scenario Execution

Our implementation is highly modular separating the core components from simulation- and/or middleware-specific modules realized through a plugin-based approach. In principle, any additional feature that is required by a specific scenario and that can be implemented in Python could be realized as additional library. A library typically provides an OpenSCENARIO 2 file with additional definitions and may provide code implementing additional functionality such as conditions or actions.

Currently, the following sub-packages and libraries are available:

Design for Modularity

Scenario execution is designed to be easily extensible through libraries. An example is available here: Create Scenario Library.

The entry points are defined like this:

 'scenario_execution.actions': [
     'custom_action = example_library.custom_action:CustomAction',
  'scenario_execution.osc_libraries': [
      'example = example_library.get_osc_library:get_example_library',

Scenario Parsing

Architecture of Scenario Parsing

Architecture of Scenario Parsing

The Internal Model Builder, implemented as a Model Listener does an initial check of the model by checking for supported language features. The Internal Model Resolver, implemented as a Model Visitor is used for type/variable resolving and does an in depth consistency check of the model.


  • scenario_execution: The base package for scenario execution. It provides the parsing of OpenSCENARIO 2 files and the conversion to py-trees. It's middleware agnostic and can therefore be used as a basis for more specific implementations (e.g. ROS). It also provides basic OpenSCENARIO 2 libraries and actions.

  • scenario_execution_ros: This package uses scenario_execution as a basis and implements a ROS2 version of scenario execution. It provides a OpenSCENARIO 2 library with basic ROS2-related actions like publishing on a topic or calling a service.

  • scenario_execution_control: Provides code to control scenario execution (in ROS2) from another application such as RViz.

  • scenario_execution_coverage: Provides tools to generate concrete scenarios from abstract OpenSCENARIO 2 scenario definition and execute them.

  • scenario_execution_gazebo: Provides a Gazebo-specific OpenSCENARIO 2 library with actions.

  • scenario_execution_interfaces: Provides ROS2 interfaces, more specifically, messages and services, which are used to interface ROS2 with the scenario_execution_control package.

  • scenario_execution_rviz: Contains several rviz plugins for visualizing and controlling scenarios when working with ROS2.

  • simulation/gazebo_tf_publisher: Publish ground truth transforms from simulation within TF.

  • simulation/tb4_sim_scenario: Run Turtlebot4 within simulation, controlled by scenario execution.

  • tools/message_modification: ROS2 nodes to modify messages.

  • tools/scenario_status: Publish the current scenario status on a topic (e.g. to be capture within a ROS bag).