

Before pushing your code, please ensure that the code formatting is correct by running:


In case of errors you can run the autoformatter by executing:

make format


To run only specific tests:

#using py-test
colcon build --packages-up-to scenario_execution_ros && reset && pytest-3 -s scenario_execution_ros/test/<TEST>.py

#manual run
colcon build --packages-up-to scenario_execution_ros && reset && ros2 launch scenario_execution_ros scenario:=<...> debug:=True

Developing and Debugging with Visual Studio Code

To prevent certain issues, please use the following command for building (remove /build and /install` if another command was used before).

colcon build --symlink-install

In VSCode create new debugging configuration file: Run -> "Add Configuration..."

Add the following entry to the "configurations" element within the previously created launch.json file (replace the arguments as required):

    "name": "scenario_execution_ros",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "./install/scenario_execution_ros/lib/scenario_execution_ros/scenario_execution_ros",
    "console": "integratedTerminal",
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "args": ["-l", "TEST_SCENARIO.osc"],

Create an .env file by executing:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source install/setup.bash
echo HOME=$HOME >> .env

In vscode, open user settings and enable the following settings:

"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true

To execute the debug configuration either switch to debug view (on the left) and click on "play" or press F5.

Best known Methods

Implement an Action

  • If an action's setup() fails, raise an exception

  • Use a state machine, if multiple steps are required

  • Implement a shutdown() method to cleanup on scenario end.

  • For debugging/logging:
    • Make use of self.feedback_message

    • Make use of kwargs['logger'], available in setup()

    • If you want to draw markers for RViz, use kwargs['marker_handler'], available in setup() (with ROS backend)

  • Use arguments from __init__() for a longer running initialization in setup() and the arguments from execute() to set values just before executing the action.

  • __init__() and setup() are called once, execute() might be called multiple times.

  • osc2 arguments can only be consumed once, either in __init__() or execute(). Exception: If an associated_actor exists, it's an argument of both methods.

  • Arguments that need late resolving (e.g. referring to variables or external methods) need to be consumed in execute().

  • setup() provides several arguments that might be useful: - input_dir: Directory containing the scenario file - output_dir: If given on command-line, contains the directory to save output to - node: (scenario_execution_ros only): ROS node to utilize (e.g. create subscribers)

  • If your action makes use of variables, set resolve_variable_reference_arguments_in_execute in BaseAction.__init() to False. The execute() method arguments will then contain resolved values as before, except for variable arguments which are accessible as VariableReference (with methods set_value() and get_value()).